chapter 31

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jade's pov:

As I was sleeping into darkness with Anders cuddling next to me, I heard doorbells repeatedly and groaned.

Who would come up to my house at 4 in the morning? I'm pregnant by few months and you interrupted my beautiful sleep.

Anders slowly opened his eyes and I slowly sat up, approaching the door.

"Who is it?" I whispered, groaning of the doorbell ringing in my ears loudly.

I finally opened the door and I saw Penelope crossing her arms and sniffling.

I widened my eyes and also widened the door as Penelope walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

Penelope sobbed, tears flowing onto her cheeks and I slowly furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's my fault," she said, walking over to me.

"What? What do you mean?"

She wiped away her tears, ignoring me and hugged me with no expectation.

I slowly hugged her back, gently conforming her back as she sobs.

"It's okay, P. I'm with you."

As she later calms down, she sniffled, "I love him, Jade."

"I know, Penelope. I know because I can see it in your eyes," I said, "Ever since you've met him."

"Really?" She asked, fixing back her sweater.

I nodded and she slowly peeked over to what was behind me.

I looked behind, and saw Anders standing next to the couch in shock as well as widening his eyes.

"Y-you're in love with Mathew?" He asked, walking over to us as Penelope awkwardly looked away.

He peeked to Penelope then to me, and back to her, nodding.

Anders widened his eyes and then slowly widened his smile as he hugged Penelope, furrowing her eyebrows.

I chuckled and grabbed his shoulders, grabbing his attention and I lifted my forehead. He cleared his throat and let out of Penelope.

"That's great, Penelope but we have to tell h-"

"No!" She yelled as she shook her head. "I can't..."

"You have to, P. Do you want to suffer like this again from what happened earlier? No, of course not. So you need to tell him. Your story." I said, pointing at her.

Penelope was about to speak, and I knew what she was about to say back so I interrupted her.

"You have to. I can't just see you suffer like this. Ok?"

Penelope glances over to us and nodded as she finally understands.

"Fine. I'll talk to him."

I sighed sharply and gently hugged her tightly. Then, felt strong arms hugging around us and I immediately knew who it was.


francisca's pov:

It's been yesterday since I came to Jade and Anders' house in the morning and honestly, I'm feeling not so well.

But Jade kept forcing me to talk to Mathew about us our feelings. Although I finally admitted that I love him, I felt like something got pulled away from my shoulder.

So doing this right now, I'm at Mathew's apartment to discuss over between us.

I sharply signed and knocked without hesitation. Nervously, I looked down and waited until he could open.

Then a swoosh came, and I looked up to Mathew, with blackness over his eyes like he probably cried for days. He also had messy brown hair and a few of baggy clothes.

I gasp quietly and slowly tighten over my purse, "Mathew."

He ran his hand over to his hair and let go a second later as he widened his eyes. He then walked over to me slowly and gently hugged me tightly.

I widened my eyes, and slowly hugged him back, smiling as it was the best thing ever. Mathew tightens the hug around me and I slowly closed my eyes.

After hugging for a while, he pulls away and gently grabbed my hand into his apartment.

I swallowed, "M-Mathew, I'm sorry."

He shook his head and slowly blinked, "No. I should be the one to say sorry."

"No, Mat. I-I'd have told you about myself before." I said, "It's my fault, ok."

Mathew clenched his jaw and I admitted, "Even though I have never done this, I could have told you that I loved you."

I looked down, and later felt him staring through my skull. He widened his eyes and hugged me gently. I felt him move against my ear and he whispered back, "I love you too."

I pulled away and looked up to him, smiling. I chuckled and hugged him back tightly.

"You're the best, Mathew." I smiled.

He chuckled against my shoulder, "I know it's a bit too early my girlfriend."

I widen my eyes and pulled away gently, I slowly smiled, "Are you kidding me? Of course. Yes!"

He smiled and blinked as he looked down my lips then back to my eyes. He came closer and closer until I felt his soft lips against mine.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck and gently pulled him onto myself as I couldn't let go.

I didn't care, I loved him. Too much.

Smiling, happily. "I love you."

"I love you too, Penelope. So much."


i couldn't forget this cause this book is coming to the end... i know, i know it's sad, i am too but i decided to end it cause i want to end it with happiness. and of course, there will be a new book coming out soon!

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