chapter 15

866 6 0

group chat


penelope - peelopy 😝
jade - tomhollandisbomb 🤩


tomhollandisbomb 🤩 so...

peelopy 😝 so what?

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 are u kidding?!

peelopy 😝 kidding what?

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 omg! u have to tell me what happened with Mathew 😉

peelopy 😝 idk what ur talking about?

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 oh come on. don't lie. I know u...

peelopy 😝 ughhh. no

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 come on, plzzzz. 🥺🥺🥺🥺

peelopy 😝 ugh, I hate u!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 no u don't honey. u love meeeee

peelopy 😝 fine! I'll tell u. 😕

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 yes! thank u. now tell me.

peelopy 😝 ok, first it was amazing and we had a great time. and idk about this...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 that's great!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 but what do u mean 'idk about this'?

peelopy 😝 I mean, I'm a player and a...whore. I use men and break their hearts after. i don't wanna do that with Mathew, he's too innocent...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 first of all, you're not a whore, ok? u really got to stop saying that to urself, it will break ur heat once u keep saying to urself. and second, it's okay. u just have to forgot ur past and focus on ur future, ok?

peelopy 😝 ...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 Penelope...

peelopy 😝 ok, fine. ur right. i'm sorry.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 hey, don't be sorry. we all have mistakes, it's okay.

peelopy 😝 yeah, ur right.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 ok, now tell me. did u feel anything for him?

peelopy 😝 umm. don't freak out but...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 but what?!

peelopy 😝 I did... a little bit

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 what?! I can't believe it!


peelopy 😝 omg! I said don't freak out!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 sorry, sis. but I can't help it!

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 I mean, this is good news! more amazing tho 😝

peelopy 😝 but I'm scared, tho...

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 don't be, Penelope. u got this, ok?

peelopy 😝 yes! ok.

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 ok, good job. ❤️

peelopy 😝 love u, Jade. I don't know what I could without u. ur the best. ever. ☺️

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 aww, I love u too, baby. 😘😘😘😘

peelopy 😝 ok, I gotta go! bye! ❤️

tomhollandisbomb 🤩 byee, baby! 😘❤️

peelopy 😝 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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