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Hello to those that read this! I'm not going to lie, this is my first Wattpad story ever, so I'm quite nervous. I hope you'll like it, if you don't you can just quit reading.
I have written fanfics (not Drarry) before, though I never finished them, I intend to do so this time, though.
Enjoy, -Amavi-

Harry looked into his cup of coffee. He hadn't slept for days, and he'd hardly spoken to Ron and Hermione.

At first, after the battle of Hogwarts had been fought, an enormous weight had fallen off his shoulders. He'd put Dumbledore's wand back in his tomb and celebrated with all the Hogwarts students whose year had ended early.

He was dating Ginny again and was finally able to get back at Ron for his annoyance when he and Ginny had been a couple in his sixth year.

But the last few days something had changed. He had felt a cold hand around his hart, one that stopped him from smiling, and it could not be driven away by his rides on the Cleansweep Ron had allowed him to borrow.

The Weasleys had welcomed him and Hermione to stay with them for the summer until they would go back to Hogwarts for their eighth year.

Lots of students had decided to redo the year Hogwarts had been corrupted by Voldemort, Harry knew Neville, Dean and Seamus would come back, just like many other members of the old DA.

But like last year, Harry doubted on whether he'd really return.

Last night, when he'd been taking a stroll, knowing sleep wouldn't come, he'd found the source of the weight on his shoulders.

He had been walking through the nearby muggle town when he'd seen a glimpse of shabby fur. He recognised it from not so long ago, when he'd seen a creature crouching over one of his friends.

Harry followed the tail of Fenrir Greyback into a narrow street, where a young girl was playing with some dolls. Harry had been able to stun the werewolf before he'd attacked her and obliviated the girl, but afterwards, he'd felt regret.

He regretted he had only stunned Greyback. He realised he wanted revenge on what he'd done to Bill and Lupin. It was there that he realised the war was not yet over, at least not for him.

Harry's train of thought was broken by a familiar voice.

'Excuse me, would you mind if I sat here?'

When looking up, Harry couldn't believe his eyes. Platinum blonde hair, grey eyes and a small bruise from where Ron had knocked him out were united in the face of his old enemy.

And yet, there was something wrong. The Draco Malfoy he knew looked flawless and arrogant. This man's hair was unkempt, his eyes were almost afraid and the way he stood showed shyness, rather than disgust.

Surprised by Malfoy's sudden appearance, he nodded and took a sip of his cold coffee. The young man sat down, avoiding eye contact, and occasionally glancing at his left forearm. His hands were playing with a wand.

Harry suddenly felt a rage, starting in his heart. 'How dare you,' he whispered, and when Malfoy looked up he continued: 'How dare you show yourself, surrounded by people of whom you think less!'

Malfoy bit his lip, 'I don't know. I think I should apologise, but you wouldn't accept it.'

Harry reached for Malfoy's chin and forced him to look him in the eye, 'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't drag you outside and hex you into St Mungo's,' he whispered.

'Because I'm cute?' Malfoy said, with a hint to his old sass. 'Look, Potter, I took every memory I had about the way I was raised by my parents, and looked back at every choice I made since the return of Voldemort. And I regret them all. What do you want me to do?'

Harry let go of his chin, 'I want you to cry. I want you to cry for every family ripped apart, I want you to feel their pain, you snake!'

Malfoy shrugged, 'I do. I don't sleep anymore, I can't even eat. And neither can you, unless I'm very much mistaken.'

Harry touched his eyes, nothing either Hermione or Ginny owned could hide his lack of sleep. 'In that case, I'll start my plans right here, right now.'

'Wait until Hogwarts,' Malfoy said, before standing up, 'You'll have plenty of time there.'

Harry wanted to run after him and hex him, but at that exact moment, Ginny walked in.

'There you are,' she said, 'Come on, mom's making cinnamon rolls and Ronald is already fat enough.'

Harry forced a smile and followed her back to the Burrow, but his mind was having the same problems as Malfoy's two years ago.

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