Chapter 8

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Harry opened his door, and McGonagall looked at him, her eyebrows raised. Behind her stood a furious Cho.

'Potter,' McGonagall started, 'did you run away from your detention?'

Harry took a step back, letting them walk into his room.

'Yes,' he muttered, 'But I can explain-'

'I told you!' Cho interrupted him, 'You stupid git! After everything, you just drop me like a brick! You'll regret this!'

Before she could curse Harry, however, her wand was knocked out of her hand by Draco. He fought her as he'd fought Dean, hitting her everywhere he could, without caring what would happen.

'Mister Malfoy!' McGonagall shouted, flicking her wand, causing Draco to be forced against the wall.

'That is a horrible habit of yours! As for you, miss Chang, unless you have an excellent explanation, you are sacked on the spot!'

Cho looked at Harry, 'Harry, I loved you,' she said desperately.

Harry sighed, 'But I don't love you anymore.'

Cho scoffed, grabbed her wand and turned around, 'I wouldn't even want to stay here!' she shouted, throwing her black hair over her shoulder.

'Drama queen,' McGonagall muttered while releasing Draco. 'Potter, Malfoy, can you maybe explain what is going on?'

Harry nodded, 'Cho and I used to go out together, until a friend of hers ratted out the DA. She tried to do it off as something "not very bad", and we kind of fell apart. She gave me detention tonight, where she tried to,' he sighed, 'Let's just say it was worse than sorting out punishments for Snape.'

McGonagall nodded, 'I see. Mister Malfoy, you might want to learn how to control your anger. It was a good thing you did, though a simple disarming spell would have done the trick.

Draco shrugged, 'Maybe for someone else, but not for me.'

He looked at Harry and smiled sadly, 'I don't think I'm ever drinking again.'

McGonagall smiled, 'That sounds like an excellent idea, Mister Malfoy. Now then, I'll leave you two.'

She'd only just closed the door when Harry broke down. The shock of what had just happened came over him, and he reached for the wall for support.

'Harry,' Draco whispered, 'are you alright?'

Harry nodded, 'I hope so. Thank you, Draco.'

'Do you want me to send a wolf after her? I'll do it.'

Harry laughed as Draco took his wand, 'Expecto Patronum!'

The smiles on their faces froze, however, when not a white wolf, but a silver stag burst out of Draco's wand. Harry looked at it in confusion.

'Draco, I-'

But Draco had run out of the room, and the stag became silver vapour again.

The next day, on Wednesday, Draco didn't sit with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna or Neville. Harry didn't see him before their first Charms lesson.

'Hey Draco,' he greeted him, 'do you mind if I sit?' he asked, pointing at the chair next to Draco's.

'It's fine,' came the muttered answer.

'Are you staying at Hogwarts for Christmas?' Harry asked him.

Draco nodded, 'I don't want to go home.'

'Feel like going to Grimmauld Place with me?' The question was asked before Harry knew it. He sighed, 'I was planning on going to the Burrow, but with Ginny around, I can't. So if you'd like to spend Christmas together, we could.'

His voice became softer with every word, and to his surprise, Harry saw Draco smile.

'I'd be up for that.'

They could not continue to talk, for professor Flitwick walked in and started their lesson. But without saying it, Harry knew the holidays were going to be great.

Harry shared a compartment with Ron, Hermione, Luna, Nevile, and of course, Draco. They were eating Luna's Chocolate Snorlacks and joking about putting pictures of less famous wizards on them.

'So that's two votes for a wizard who got stuck with Polyjuice potion and four for one of Umbridge while she has a bad hair day.' Hermione declared, 'I'll put dear Rita Skeeter on the case!'

Ron nearly fell off his seat laughing, just like Harry, who thought the idea of Umbridge with her hair standing up in twenty directions was hilarious indeed.

'So, Harry,' Neville said, trying to keep a straight face, 'I heard you and Draco are spending the holiday at Grimmauld Place?'

Harry nodded, 'We are, I thought it'd be fun.'

Hermione grinned like a demon, 'Fun or fun?'

Both Harry and Draco glared at her, before joining in with their friends laughter.

'Don't forget, Hermione, George will love to tell us what you're up to,' Harry said, causing Hermione to blush.

When they had reached Kings Cross, Harry and Draco apparated to Grimmauld Place. The spells to keep Snape out had been lifted, though the fake Dumbledore, whom Harry called Dusty, still rose up, though this time without blocking their way.

Harry and Draco made their way to the living room, where they lit the fireplace. They had decided Harry would sleep in Sirius' old room and Draco in his brother's.

After a dinner of pizza, they both went to bed early.

'Darco, where are we? What are you doing?'

Harry felt himself slip through Draco's fingers once more and watched him swim back up to the surface.

'Harry,' he heard a voice say. Strange, he hadn't expected to find merpeople here.

'Harry,' the voice said again, 'Potter, wake up!'

Harry sat up straight, accidentally hitting Draco on the head.

'Draco, I'm sorry!'

Draco ignored the apology, 'Harry, you were screaming, you asked me where we were. Your scar doesn't hurt, does it?'

Harry shrugged, 'No, it was just a nightmare. An old one.'

'I don't seem to sneak into your good dreams, do I?'

He smiled, 'It was a good one, at first. Until you pushed me away.'

Draco shrugged, 'Do you want to talk about it?'

'Draco,' Harry answered him, 'I'm afraid that if I let you in, you'll abuse the power you have over me.'

'Not anymore, Harry, never again. We might as well get up, it's six in the morning.'

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