Chapter 10

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Draco's POV:

Harry had just left the room when Blaise opened his eyes again.

'Draco,' he said at once, 'you need to go back to Hogwarts.'

Draco sighed, 'Blaise, what's happened to you?'

Blaise sighed, 'After you escaped, I obliviated Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson. I told our parents that you hadn't been to London and that you, therefore, were still at Hogwarts. They believed me, for a while, until they found out about the spells I'd cast. Mate, you're not safe here anymore, why did you leave that castle in the first place?'

Draco nodded at Harry, who had reentered the room, 'The answer is behind you.'

Blaise looked from Harry to Draco, 'Don't say you're dating Potter now.'

Harry chuckled, 'Don't worry, Zabini, he's not.' Yet, he mouthed to Draco, when Blaise looked away.

Draco grinned, 'Blaise, thanks for the warning, but we were going back anyway, I don't see your point.'

Blaise shrugged, 'You don't get it, you need to get on that train as soon as you can, and I need to come with you, I'm not safe anymore.'

Draco nodded, 'Sure you can, right, Harry?'

'First name terms? When will we get the happy announcement?' Blaise muttered.

'Should be fine,' Harry said, ignoring Blaise, 'Hogwarts is open to anyone. I've missed one thing, though. Wasn't Zabini part of the group that attacked you?'

'Yes,' Draco said, 'but he was also the one that saved me.'

Draco, Harry and Blaise were sitting in one of the compartments on the Hogwarts Express, Blaise quickly flipping through Draco's books, while next to him his school robes were sewing themselves.

'What's he doing here!'

Draco looked up from one of the books Blaise had already finished, 'Blaise is coming with us, Ron. If you'd point your wand and something else We'll explain.'

Ron scoffed and placed his wand back into his pocket, sitting down as far away from Blaise as he could. Hermione sat down opposite of him while letting an angry Crookshanks out of his basket.

'Zabini is hunted down by former Death Eaters for not killing Draco. And since Hogwarts is safer than every vault in Gringotts, he needed to come with us.' Harry told his friend, kept glaring at Blaise, despite the explanation.

Neville and Luna came in about a minute later, reacting less shocked than Ron had, though still surprised.

'So, Zabini, or Blaise, or- can I call you Blaise?' Hermione asked.

Blaise raised his eyebrows but nodded, 'Fine by me, Mu-' he stopped when he realised Draco was glaring at him, 'Eh, Granger.'

Hermione continued slightly more confident, 'Since Harry and Draco will never give us an honest answer, can you tell us what we missed?'

Blaise looked at Draco in confusion, 'I think I am missing something here.'

Draco laughed, 'They're asking whether something interesting has happened between Harry and me, just to avoid getting the question themselves.'

Blaise turned to Hermione, 'Yeah, I caught them making out on the couch when I walked in,' he said grinning, causing Draco to push him playfully. For a moment, they all laughed.

'No, you missed nothing,' Blaise finally said, 'at least nothing I know of.'

Harry chuckled, 'How did you find us anyway?'

Blaise sighed, 'The Death Eaters still have informants, some of them don't consider the war over yet, with the Parkinsons taking the lead. They said Draco had been spotted in London, so we were sent there.

When he disapparated, I found out he hadn't gone back to Hogwarts. Someone told me Draco had gotten close to the "Golden trio". My first thought was to go to the Burrow, but if you had stayed there, you wouldn't have been in London that day.

So I went to Potter's house, it wasn't easy, but I got there. And the rest is rather logical.

Blaise focused his attention on his book again, and hardly spoke until they reached Hogwarts.

When Draco fell asleep, he feared the Death Eaters would be in his nightmares, but they didn't come. He had the same dream he'd had multiple times at Grimmauld Place, the best one since the summer.

Harry's POV:

Harry, however, had trouble falling asleep. He knew the reason, he was afraid Draco would be attacked, or that an attack on his parents would cause him to hurt himself.


Harry took his glasses and opened the door, where Hermione was waiting for him.

'You couldn't sleep either, could you?'

She shrugged, 'Harry, I was wondering, did anything happen between you and Draco? He likes you, and you know it.'

Harry nodded, 'I do, Hermione. And don't tell him I said it, but something did happen. When he had been attacked, he passed out. He woke up shortly after, and I kissed him.'

Hermione smiled, 'He's better for you than Ginny. She really didn't like the snakes, you know she's terrified of them, right?'

Harry nodded, 'Yeah, she gave me incredible fireworks, though.'

Hermione laughed, 'Harry, I know you're afraid what will happen to Draco because I know you. I also see you're very well.

If you still plan on getting every old Death Eater into Azkaban, think again. You don't have to be an Auror, you know. With your Newts, and you will get them, you can be everything.'

Harry nodded, 'I'll think it over. Good night, Hermione.'

'Good night Harry.'

The next day Harry started with Defence Against the Dark Arts. Professor Snow had recovered from something he wouldn't share, causing everyone to speculate about it.

'First of all,' he started, 'I want to make sure that the next time I hire a slut as my assistant, you tell me.'

A ripple of laughter passed through the class, of course, everyone knew what had happened to Cho.

'Then,' professor Snow continued, 'I want you all to take out your wands, for today we will review the Patronus Charm, something that will most certainly come up in your Newt's.'

It wasn't the first time a teacher had spent a lesson on the topic of their exams. Hardly any class followed the books anymore, the teachers just taught and reviewed what they thought their students might need, just like when the Owls were approaching.

Harry was called up as one of the first to perform the charm, and professor Snow gave him an approving nod when the silver stag burst out of his wand. He also seemed very pleased with Hermione's otter. Draco's Patronus, however, came as a shock for everyone.

Apparently, Draco, in their sixth year, had boasted about his abilities. According to Luna, he'd even once made his Patronus perform a show in the Great Hall. Harry knew what everyone expected.

Draco walked to the front of the class slowly, raising his wand. 'Expecto Patronum,' he whispered, with his eyes closed.

Even Harry couldn't help but wince when he witnessed the stag coming out of Draco's wand. Even professor Snow gasped.

Draco allowed his Patronus to fall back into vapour and walked back to his seat, avoiding everyone's eyes.

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