Chapter 4

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Harry sat down on his bed, playing with the snitch that had once contained the Resurrection Stone.

In the back of his head, he thought about the memories Snape had left him, and a weak smile passed over his face when he ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

He was about to catch his snitch again when fingers other than his own closed around it.

'It's not as fast as it used to be, is it?'

Harry looked up into Draco's green eyes. 'How did you get in here?' he asked.

Draco sat down next to him, 'Granger let me in, she thought that I could cheer you up.'

Harry sighed, 'You might as well try.'

He took the snitch back, out of the elegant hand with the long fingers.

'You know,' Draco said, 'I honestly think relationships in my family are cursed. My aunt Bellatrix loved Voldemort over her own husband, Tonks couldn't enjoy her marriage for more than a year, my dad wishes he'd never tried to save me 'cause old Death Eaters are now on his tail, Sirius Black left his own home, and if I am related to the Lovegoods, a far cousin of mine lost her mother when she was nine.'

Harry shrugged, 'Doesn't help.'

'I'm sorry,' Draco muttered, 'I've never been good at cheering people up.'

Harry smiled, 'Nor have I. Is that really true, about your father?'

'I told you, remember? The first time you talked to me as if I were a human being.' He shrugged, 'He really hates me, I think he finds me useless. I've got a mark, so I will have a hard time finding a job. I've looked at the picture without memories, and he hates me for that. I don't even care about blood anymore! At this point, dad would rather have Longbottom than me, at least his forearm is clean.'

Harry said nothing, he merely reached for Draco's left hand and rolled up his sleeve. There was the mark, faded and covered in scars, but still visible.

Draco placed his hand over it, 'I'm not proud of it.'

'Why the scars?' Harry asked, gently pushing Draco's hand away, 'Did you cut yourself?'

The blonde boy remained silent, but that was as much an answer as anything.

Harry shrugged, 'And to think I'm the one who needs to talk about my problems.'

Draco smiled weakly, 'I may need help, but you deserve it.'

Harry placed his hand on his shoulder, 'Tell me about your summer, Draco.'

'Thank you, Harry.'

'We went back to our manor as soon as we could, and I spent much time thinking about what I'd done. Dad was locked in his room most of the time, and mom worked two jobs, just to keep herself from remembering.

We had been home for less than two weeks when dad got an owl. It shocked him, and he didn't show himself for two days until another owl came.

Mom told me that the old Death Eaters wanted revenge because he had fled during the battle. So we packed our things and left, for a smaller house.

That happened multiple times, and mom and dad started fighting. I could hardly meet up with my old friends, so I sat in my room for days on end.

At some point, I didn't understand what I'd done anymore, so I took out my memories and placed them in a Pensieve.

I realised how stupid I'd been, and broke all ties with my friends. I started acting more and more like a muggle, I went to help at St Mungo's every day and started cooking for the three of us.

Dad wasn't happy with that, but he wouldn't let me leave, 'cause he was afraid I'd be attacked. The only place he'd let me go was Hogwarts, so I came back.

The day you saw me was when we'd just moved for the third time. I looked rather shabby, If I'm right. I hadn't gotten my hair cut in weeks, none of my parents can properly handle scissors, and my hair really grows ridiculously fast.'

Draco ran his fingers through his platinum blonde locks, 'I just want to change everything about myself, I want to forget that stupid ferret!'

Harry laughed, 'You were quite cute when Moody transformed you. Does it happen to be your Patronus?'

Draco shrugged, 'It's a wolf. I've always loved wolfs.'

He grinned, 'Besides, did you just call me cute, Potter?'

Harry laughed again, 'You sound like your old self again. You know, you really managed to cheer me up, Draco.'

'I've got some more trauma's if you need them.'

Harry shrugged, 'No, I mean by being you. By not pitying me.'

Draco smiled, 'I'll try, Harry.'

Harry and Draco walked to the great hall for dinner together but were stopped by Luna, without shoes, but with a full bag over her shoulder.

'Hey Harry, and Draco, of course,' she said, smiling, 'I thought I'd know how to cheer you up!'

Harry smiled, 'Well, I'm not that startled anymore, thanks to Draco, but what were you thinking about?'

'How about we fly?' she said, 'There must be some Thestreals in the forest.'

Harry grinned, 'That does sound like fun. Do you want to come with, Draco?'

'If Luna's okay with it.'

Luna nodded and led them to the Forbidden forest. 'We're not going in,' she said, 'I've got loads of raw meat, they should be able to smell us here.'

And sure enough, two Thestreals appeared withing the minute. They accepted Luna's meat and allowed them to stroke their manes.

'Do you think they'll let us ride them?' Harry asked.

Luna nodded, 'Don't you recognise them? These were part of the group that brought us to the Ministry.'

Harry didn't remember ever seeing these particular Thestreals before, but when one of them allowed Luna to mount, he climbed onto the other one.

'Come on Draco!' he told the blonde boy, who was still staring at the horses in amazement.

Draco raised his eyebrows but, at a gesture from Harry, climbed behind him onto the Thestreals back.

'I trust you on this one,' he muttered in Harry's ear, 'I've never ridden a horse before, let alone one of these.'

Harry smiled, 'You're going to love it.'

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