Capter 11

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For the rest of the day, Harry had the feeling everyone was staring at either him or Draco, with either shock, disgust or approval. Harry avoided their gazes and did his homework alone, and yet even he was thinking about the stag that had burst out of Draco's wand.

Harry remembered how Dumbledore had once told him about how Patronusses could change. 

Had it even been Dumbledore? All Harry could think about was the look on Draco's face, one of shame, sadness and apology towards him.'

Harry looked up when he heard a knock on his door. 'Harry?' he heard Draco say, 'Can I come in?'

'Yeah, sure,' he answered, closing his textbook.

Draco walked in and sat down next to him. Gently, Harry placed his hand over Draco's left forearm.

'I was afraid you might-' he started, but Draco shrugged.

'Never,' Draco whispered, 'I promised you that.'

Harry laid his head on Draco's shoulder, 'I know.'

He felt Draco run his fingers through his jet black hair. 'Do you want to go for a walk?' he asked, shyly.

Harry chuckled, 'Did Draco Malfoy just ask me out?'

'I guess he did,' Draco replied, and Harry knew he was blushing.

'Let's go, then,' he said grinning.

They walked to the black lake, to the spot where Harry had dove into it, nearly four years ago. 

'Have you ever wondered,' Draco began, 'why it's shallow for the first meters, but then goes down very steeply, out of nowhere?'

Harry shrugged, 'Tell me anyway?'

Draco grinned, 'Blaise once told me how it's grown around a skeleton, from a squid, much older and larger than the one in it now. It's shaped like this because of the way it held it's tentacles when it died.' 

Harry chuckled, 'You know squids don't have skeletons, right?'

Draco turned bright red, 'They don't? I'll get him for that.'

Harry smiled when Draco walked into the cold water. Despite its low temperature, he followed him, until the part where the angle became to steep to stand. 

'It's a strange shape though, I'll give you that.'

Draco smiled for a moment, but then looked down at his feet. 

'Harry,' he asked, 'are you mad at me, about Defence Against the Dark Arts? Should I have just pretended I couldn't do it?'

Harry shrugged, 'It's alright, they were going to find out anyway.'

Draco grinned, 'I'm sober, you know.'

Harry took a step towards him, 'I thought you'd never say it.'

He kissed Draco gently. His friend playfully bit his lip, causing Harry to chuckle. He opened his mouth a bit, and Draco's tongue found his.

Once again, it was like time had stopped. The water wasn't cold anymore, everything seemed perfect.

He saw a man standing in a lake.

The memory of his nightmare hit Harry, and he stepped back, shaking.

'Harry,' he heard Draco say, 'what's wrong?'

Harry took a step back and realised his mistake. There was no ground to stand on, and he toppled over backwards, into the cold water.


Draco's POV:

Draco opened his eyes when Harry pulled away. The green orbs were full of fear, and he was trembling all over.

'Harry,' he asked, 'what's wrong?'

But Harry took a step back, and the fear spread from his eyes. Before Draco knew what was going on, Harry had fallen, into the depths of the lake.

'Harry!' Draco shouted, before diving after him. Harry was sinking deeper and deeper into the lake, failing to get back up. 

Draco dove deeper, catching up on him. But his longs felt as though they were about to explode. 

After what seemed like hours, Draco got a hold of Harry's shirt, but he knew he didn't have enough air to get back to the surface.

He reached for his wand and pointed it up.

Please get us out of here, he begged the piece of wood, that somehow listened. Draco felt a shudder going through it, before being shot towards the light. He held on to Harry with every bit of power he had left.

They reached the surface just on time. The fresh air felt amazing to Draco, and a whole weight was lifted off his shoulders when he heard Harry grasp for breath.

Draco pulled him out of the water and laid him down on the grass, before pulling off his soaked cloak and jumper.

'Accio clothes!' Draco shouted, and he was glad to see two jumpers and sweatpants fly towards him.

'Draco?' Harry whispered, 'What happened?'

Draco handed him some clothes, 'Put these on first, you must be freezing.'

He looked away when Harry started to unbutton his shirt and pulled the jumper over his head. Trying very hard not to blush, he did the same, not realising how cold he'd been until he felt the warm fabric on his shoulders.

'Harry,' Draco said, 'you fell into the lake, the deep part. You seemed unable to get back up, why?'

Harry shrugged, 'I've never been a good swimmer. I remember being almost paralysed by fear, though. You see, I've, eh, I've dreamed about this.'

Draco sighed, 'The nightmare?'

His friend nodded, 'Yeah. You kissed me while we were standing in a lake. It was great at first, but then you pulled me down and pushed me away.'

Draco took his hand, 'Never, Harry, I'd never. Come on, we should probably go back.'

Harry stood up and nodded, and together they went back to the castle. Draco grinned. 

'Besides,' he whispered in Harry's ear, 'you kiss like a girl, Potter.'

Harry laughed, 'You'd know,' he said.

Draco nodded, he did know. 'Never mind that, you kiss better than a girl. If you'll promise not to die, I'd kiss you again.'

Harry chuckled, 'What if I can't?'

Draco shrugged, 'You'll be the end of me.'

Harry chuckled again, 'No, I'll only be the beginning.'

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