Chapter 5

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Draco grabbed Harry's shirt tightly when the Thestreals took off.

Harry could tell he was trying very hard to stay calm at first, but after a minute or so, his comfortability became more and more honest.

Harry turned around and saw Draco look at the castle and the grounds. Next to him, Luna and her horse performed almost acrobatic tricks in the air, both seemed to really enjoy it.

Harry led the Thestreal down to the castle and looked through the windows, at Filch, cleaning up, at Peeves, mocking him and, to his surprise, at Ron being attached by a big group of first years with exploding flowers.

'Never let him forget that!' Draco said, nearly falling off laughing.

Harry grinned, but the happiness soon slid off his face when a jet of light hit the Thestreal.

The black horse nearly fell and threw Harry off. His fall seemed endless until he felt something close around his wrist. Draco had sent the horse down and was holding Harry.

Hope returned to his heart, but they were still quite high, and it despite it being a warm day of autumn, he knew Draco's fingers would soon lose their sense of feeling, and therefore their grip.

'Luna!' Draco shouted, 'I can't hold him forever, catch him!'

Harry didn't hear Luna respond, but he felt his hand slipping through Draco's. A moment later, however, Luna had caught him and was flying back to the ground, where Harry slid off the Thestreal like a bag of potatoes.

Draco ran towards him, his eyes full of fear, 'Harry! Are you alright?'

Harry nodded, 'Yeah, I think I am. You guys saved my life!'

Luna shrugged, 'You'd have done the same. We should get you inside before it gets colder, I think it's going to snow.'

Draco pulled Harry up from the ground while Luna led the Thestreals back to the forest. When they entered the Great Hall, hundreds of students ran towards them, Ron and Hermione upfront.

'Harry! We saw you fall!'

'You alright mate?'

Harry nodded, 'I just wonder who fired that spell.'

'Thank you, Draco,' Hermione said, 'But what spell?'

'Some jet of light,' Draco explained, 'it hit the Thestreal.'

Ron shrugged, 'I saw no spell.'

Harry grinned, 'You seemed to busy.'

Ron's ears turned a violent shade of red, but he was saved an answer by a group of girls, who nearly carried someone towards Harry.

'You tell him!' 'Just do it, you're going to get us all into trouble.'

Harry looked at the girl they'd pushed towards him, 'Tell me what?'

'She fired at you!' one of the girls shouted, 'We saw her!'

Draco gasped, 'She did?'

The girls nodded, 'We thought you'd like to know.'

Hermione sighed, 'I'll take her to McGonagall. Harry, you should eat something, you look starved.'

The next day, when Harry walked to the Great Hall for breakfast, McGonagall and Draco were waiting for him.

'Potter,' McGonagall said, 'I need to talk to you about yesterday.'

Harry nodded, 'Sure, what about it?'

'As it turns out, the girl who fired at you was a former Death Eater, who had taken Polyjuice potion and was aiming at Mister Malfoy. On his request, we will not report it to the prophet, we have made a deal with them for reasons he will tell you if he wishes to.'

Draco nodded, 'I already have, Professor.'

'Good. Now, I'd advise you to go and have breakfast.'

She walked away, and Draco followed Harry to the great hall. 'I'm sorry you were in danger because of me,' Draco muttered.

'Don't worry about it,' Harry replied, 'It's all ended well.'

As they entered the Great Hall and went towards the table where Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville were waiting for them, Harry stopped in his tracks halfway to the table.

'I'm sorry,' he said, 'I've got something to do first.'

He turned around and walked towards Ginny. It struck him how beautiful she was, though the sight of Dean removed all emotion from his mind.

'Ginny,' Harry said, 'I just need you to know this. I don't need to know why or when this started. All I want you to do is wait before you talk to me again. Wait until Hell freezes over.'

Ginny grinned, 'I'm glad we agree, Potter.'

Dean kissed her cheek, 'That's my girl.' He smiled innocently at Harry, 'You know, I'm still mad at you for taking her in the first place.'

He stood up and twirled his wand around, 'I think you deserve to know how I felt.'

But before he could cast a spell, his wand flew out of his hand, towards professor Flitwick.

'No duelling, mister Thomas.'

Dean nodded, 'In that case, I won't curse him.'

For a moment, Harry thought Dean would sit down again when he punched him on the nose and nearly blinded him with pain. Professor Flitwick took a step forward, but before he could do anything, someone had jumped onto Dean and began to beat him everywhere he could.

Harry and Flitwick tried to get the struggling Draco away from Dean.

'Got yourself a girlfriend, Potter?' Ginny teased, before giving Drago the final push that got him away from her boyfriend.

Flitwick, however, seemed to have lost his temper. 'You four can go straight to the headmistress' office!' he shouted, and he led them there himself.

'So,' McGonagall groaned, 'Miss Weasly cheated on mister Potter with mister Thomassen, who beat mister Potter for dating miss Weasly in the first place and was therefore attacked by mister Malfoy.'

'That's about it,' Harry murmured.

McGonagall groaned again, 'You're all of age and should know better than this. That will be forty house points, from both Gryffindor and Slytherin. Mister Malfoy, you can now leave. I just need to discuss some safety matters with your friends.'

Malfoy nodded and walked out of the room.

'I know, mister Potter and Thomassen, that you two sleep in the same room, and I also know that won't end well, especially since mister Weasly also has a key. Therefore, you will both get a private bedroom, accessible through the common room all four houses share.

Miss Weasly, you sleep in one room with miss Granger, do you think you need a room of your own too?'

Ginny shrugged, 'I'll be fine.'

'Wonderful. Now go back to the Great Hall.'

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