Chapter 6

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When Harry walked out of McGonagall's office, Draco was waiting for him.

'I'm sorry,' he muttered, 'for attacking Thomassen.'

Harry grinned, 'Don't worry, I'd have done the same.'

'Do you reckon we should go to the hospital wing for a look at your nose?'

'It's alright. We should probably head back for breakfast, Ron eats faster than house-elves can cook.'

Draco laughed, and together they left for the Great Hall. There, everyone was gawking at them, some in disgust, others as if they agreed, but most of them at a complete loss for words.

As soon as they sat down, Hermione pointed her wand at Harry's nose to make the blood Dean had caused to spray out of it disappear.

'Blimey,' Ron said, 'I don't know what happened, but Ginny does not seem happy. She's going back to mom and dad for the holidays.'

Harry nodded, 'I'm honestly glad. When does the train leave?'

'In a few hours,' Luna replied, 'Neville and I are going back too.'

Ron grinned, 'Guess that Hermione and I will have the dorms for ourselves, Ginny told us about your new room, and I believe Seamus is leaving too.'

Harry had looked up from his toast, 'Hermione, what did we miss?'

She blushed, 'Nothing.'

Draco and Harry both smirked, 'Nothing,' the blonde boy said, 'Nothing yet, or literally everything?'

'Nothing yet,' Hermione whispered with a head as read as the blood she'd just removed from Harry's nose.

'Mind if I change that?' Ron asked her, gently kissing her nose.

Neville turned to Luna, 'I say we leave them alone.'

She nodded, 'They deserve some privacy.'

Harry, however, shrugged, 'Not at all. Ron has been questioning me every day over summer, I'll pay him back.'

The holidays passed rather fast, and before Harry knew it, it was the last Saturday before school started again.

According to a whisper he'd heard from the Patil Twins, Hermione had hardly slept in her own bed, something she denied in every possible way.

On that Saturday, when Harry, Ron and Hermione were comparing notes for their next test, Draco sat down next to them.

'Hey Draco,' Hermione greeted him, 'How are you?'

Draco smiled, 'I'm fine, knew I'd be able to find you in the library. I thought you'd like to know there's a party in the Slytherin common room tonight, all houses allowed. To honour the free time one gets in a vacation. Do you want to come?'

Harry shrugged, 'Sorry Draco, I wanted to finish some extra work tonight, to have more free time, you know?'

Hermione nodded, 'Just like me, we were planning to do it together.'

Ron scoffed, 'Harry, you start to sound like her. I'd like to come if you'll let me.'

Draco nodded, 'Sure, they start at nine. You know the location?'

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, 'I do,' Ron said, 'I really do.'

Harry was glad the doors were enchanted, for even in his room he could hear the music.

Hermione was helping him with a dull Transfiguration essay, occasionally glaring at the door.

'How can they be so loud?' she groaned, 'I swear, Ron will come back completely wasted!'

Harry laughed, 'I bet you he will. Good luck pushing him away.'

She gave him a deadly look, 'Just drop it, Harry.'

'Oh, how I wonder-'

'Stop!' Hermione had taken a book and hit him in the stomach with it. For a moment, Harry looked angry at her, but then they both burst into laughter.

'I'm sorry, but don't act like you and Ron didn't ask me what I'd done every morning at the Burrow.'

Hermione nodded, 'True, but you looked so funny as a tomato.'

Before Harry could reply, someone knocked on his door. Harry opened it, and there stood Draco, with his clothes stained, his hair messed up and his eyes unfocused.

'Hey,' he said, slowly rocking forwards and backwards, 'How are you doing?'

'Draco,' Harry said, 'are you drunk?'

'Dude, I can smell it here,' Hermione whispered.

Harry led Draco inside and closed the door. The blonde boy smiled sheepishly.

'All right,' Harry told him, 'go to the bathroom and throw it all out.'

Draco nodded and moments later, Harry could hear the sound of him throwing up in the toilet.

Hermione picked up her books, 'I really am glad we didn't go. What are they doing in there?'

At that moment, Draco came back. He'd cleaned his face in the sink and flattened his hair, but still looked bad.

Harry shrugged, 'I'll get you a glass of water, Draco.'

The blonde boy nodded again, and after making sure he'd cast a good cleaning spell, Harry went into the bathroom for some water.

When he came back, Hermione had placed Draco on Harry's bed and put on her shoes.

'I'm going to get Ron. You take care of Draco.'

'Do you know the password?'

Hermione grinned and walked out of the door. Harry gave Draco some water and had just put it away when he heard Hermione scream.


Harry started to laugh, and so did Draco.

'Did I really drink that much?' he asked.

Harry nodded, 'I guess you did, mate.'

Draco sighed, 'Might as well use the courage.'

Before Harry could ask what he'd use his courage for, Draco had kissed him. For a moment, it was as if time had stopped, for the music faded, as well as the confusion.

The moment passed as soon as Draco pulled back. His gaze was shy and yet determined.

'Harry, I-'

Harry shrugged, 'Draco, don't do this, please don't do this.'

Draco stared at him with the eyes of a sad puppy, 'You don't want me to kiss you?'

'I don't want you to kiss me now,' Harry whispered, 'You're drunk, Draco. If you want to kiss me, it's just not the right time.'

Draco nodded and walked away without saying a word. Harry didn't know where he'd go, and he felt the sudden urge to call him back.


Harry hadn't seen Ron and Hermione enter the room.

'Do whatever you want,' he said, 'I'm going to sleep.'

They left him with his thoughts. Harry didn't remember falling asleep, but his dreams didn't seem to care.

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