Chapter 9

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It was around noon when Draco took out his coat.

'I'm going to explore this neighbourhood since we're staying here for a while.'

'Do you want me to come with you?' Harry asked, but Draco shrugged.

'I'll be fine. You focus on giving Weaselette a gift for Christmas that will scare the living death out of her.'

Harry laughed, and as soon as Draco had left, he took a piece of paper to write his ideas on. He'd only been working on it for half an hour when Draco came back.

Strangely, he didn't come through the door. He apparated right into the room, where he collapsed. Harry nearly screamed when he saw Draco was covered in blood, and that the red pool around him grew steadily bigger.

Draco's POV:

Draco hadn't known where they'd come from, he only knew they were there. Four familiar faces, those of Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Blaise.

'Missed me, Draco?' Pansy had mocked him, 'It's been ages...'

'What are you doing here?' he'd asked them.

'A mark is forever,' Pansy had said, 'you can't betray it!'

She'd pulled out her wand, and Draco felt horrible pain. It was as though his skin was pulled off, his bones were broken, and his flesh was burned at the same time.

As abrupt as it started, the pain went away.

'Don't you like it?' Pansy asked, 'Let's try something else!'

Crabbe and Goyle had stumbled towards him, with their enormous fists. The pain passed in a blur, and yet Draco knew they weren't giving everything, he knew them too well to make that mistake.

When they stepped away, Draco's skin was clawed open, his bones were crushed, and his heart had been drowned in pain of it being his old comrades that had done this to him.

'Blaise,' Pansy said, ginning, 'would you like to finish it?'

Draco had looked into the eyes of his former best friend. He saw hate, but also hesitation. Blaise sighed and walked towards Draco, placing his wand on his temple.

'Run,' he whispered, so soft only Draco could hear the word, 'I'll say you're still at Hogwarts.'

Draco nodded, and sighed, before kicking Blaise away. A yet of green light nearly hit his head, but he managed to dodge it. He disapparated, just before Pansy could get a hold of him, to the first place he thought of.

When he opened his eyes again, he laid on a couch, with Harry bent over him, cleaning the blood off his face.

'What happened?' he whispered.

'Draco, you should really be more careful. I managed to heal your wounds, but you've lost a lot of blood.'

Draco shrugged, 'Harry, we need to go back to Hogwarts. I was attacked by Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise, and I don't want them hurting you.'

He sat up, ignoring a sharp pain in his head, but Harry pushed him back, 'Draco, you're safe now. We just need to make sure there's plenty of muggles around us.'

Draco pushed his hands away and sat up again, 'I don't think they'll stop, Harry.'

Harry sat down next to him, looking at his eyes with emotion Draco hadn't seen on him before.

'Draco,' he whispered, 'are you sober now?'

Draco nodded, confused.

'Thank Merlin,' Harry muttered, before kissing him.

Harry's POV:

They could have sat there for both hours and minutes, for Harry felt as though time stopped when he kissed Draco.

He felt him smile against his lips when Harry ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair.

When they finally broke apart, time started ticking again. Draco laid his head on Harry's shoulder and sighed.

'I am really never drinking again.'

Harry chuckled, 'You have no idea how much that means.'

He took Draco's hand and gently stroked it. His long fingers, his soft nails, his thin wrists, and-

Harry gasped and pressed his hands to his head. It hadn't been more than a soft prickle, and yet the feeling stunned him.

'Harry, are you alright?'

Harry nodded, 'Yeah, it's just been so long.' He looked down at Draco's hand. It had been his left one, the one so close to his mark.

'Did your scar hurt?' Draco asked, looking concerned.

Harry rolled op Draco's left sleeve, 'It prickled when I-'

The words froze on his tongue when Harry noticed the thin scars over the mark. He had seen them before but hadn't realised how fresh some of them were, and how many in number.

'Draco,' Harry whispered, 'did you cut yourself? Draco, look at me!'

Draco sighed, 'Yes, I did. The first time was the day it was burnt into my skin. I haven't since I returned to Hogwarts, though.'

Harry placed his hand on Draco's cheek. 'Draco, please tell me why. What reason could you have had?'

Suddenly, Harry saw the grey eyes become watery, 'At first, it was a way of forgetting my fear, later my memories, and in the end the consequences.'

Harry hugged Draco tightly, feeling that he was trying hard not to cry.

'Don't ever do that again,' he whispered into his ear, 'Draco you're so strong, there's nothing to fear anymore.'

Draco nodded, 'Thank you, Harry, for everything.'

Harry smiled, 'Always.'

They spent their holiday like muggles, going to theatres, circuses and decorating a tree by hand. Harry had sent Ginny a cake in the shape of Dean's head for Christmas, that transformed into a snake every time she touched it. He knew she'd be mad, not only for the gift itself but also because her box of exploding chocolate frogs made excellent fireworks.

Harry and Draco had such a good time that, when they sat in front of the fire on the last day before they would go back to school, they even considered staying in London.

Their conversation was interrupted by the bell. Draco went to open the door, but Harry soon heard the dry thud of a body falling onto the ground. When he approached the hallway, he saw Draco crouching next to a body.

'Is he dead?' Harry asked when Draco looked at him, worried.

Draco shrugged, 'It's Blaise,' he said, 'we should take him to the living room.'

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