Chapter 12

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Maybe someone had seen the scene at the lake, for the next day everyone seemed to know about the bond between Draco and Harry.

Everywhere Draco went the whispers seemed to follow him until he ended up using the Muffliato charm on himself at the break.

Therefore, he was glad when the lessons were over, and he could avoid the other students. Unfortunately, Blaise wouldn't drop it.

'So let me get this straight,' he began, while Draco was doing his homework.

'Shut up,' Draco replied, for the tenth time.

'I just want to run this bi you,' Blaise continued, grinning devilishly, while Draco was fighting the urge to throw his books at him. 'I don't want it to be strange between us, you know that.'

Draco raised his eyebrows, 'Don't you mean-' he started, before biting his tongue, realising he'd almost walked into Blaise's trap.

His friend laughed, 'All right, I'll stop,' he said, not convincing Draco at all, 'You really like him, don't you? At least more than you liked Parkinson.'

'That says nothing,' Draco scoffed, 'I like Weaselette more than I liked Parkinson.'

'More than Parkinson liked you?' Blaise tried.

Draco put his quill down, 'How do you even have time to be here, don't you take double classes?' he said, dodging the question.

At once he knew Blaise had noticed him, that guy saw right through his poker face.

'You and the Boy Who Lived, you must be full of pride.' 

Blaise dodged Draco's book and ran out of the library, laughing loudly.

'Was I really that bad?' Draco muttered to himself, realising this was somehow familiar. He'd lost track of how many people he'd bullied in his third year.

Harry's POV: 

About a week later, people had stopped staring whenever Harry talked to Draco. 

Every time they went somewhere together, they'd either use his invisibility cloak or ask Ron and Hermione to be even more interesting, something Blaise had informed them they did gladly.

It had been a ridiculously hot day for January when Harry woke up, looking in Draco's eyes.

'Ready?' he asked, while Harry put on his glasses.

'What time is it?' Harry groaned, searching his watch, 'Draco, It's two in the morning!'

'You said Saturday, Harry,' Draco said, grinning, 'It's Saturday now. Do you know you talk in your sleep?'

Harry got out of bed, feeling somewhat exposed, realising he wasn't wearing a shirt. 'Do you have any idea how creepy that is?'

Draco laughed, 'Do you want me to repeat what you were saying?' He continued without waiting for a response: '"Oi, there's a war going on here!" then you were quiet for a while, before muttering something about broomsticks.'

Harry nodded, 'I was dreaming about the war, the part where we went into the Room of Requirement. Ron and Hermione were rather cheesy.'

Draco nodded, 'I was stupid back then, wasn't I?'

Harry put on his coat before kissing Draco's cheek. 'That wasn't you,' he whispered.

Draco smiled, 'If you say so. Come on, let's go outside.'

Harry followed Draco over the grounds. They were lucky, it was a cloudy night. Therefore, most of the warmth from the previous day had remained under the white blanket.

Harry soon realised they were going towards the forest, and to his surprise, a Thestreal was waiting.

'I tried looking for a Hippogriff,' Draco explained, 'but I didn't dare approach one.'

Harry smiled, 'Don't worry, I'm still twitchy around spiders from an, eh, accident in our second year, and they didn't attack me.'

Draco grinned, but then became serious again. 'Do you feel like flying?' he asked Harry, stroking the Thestreals manes.

Harry nodded, 'Sure. Do you want to sit in the front this time?'

Draco, however, shrugged, 'I have no idea how to lead it, you're champion riding magical creatures. Thestreals, Hippogriffs, Dragons, Centaurs, I can't say I'm not jealous.'

They grinned at each other, before climbing onto the Thestreal's back. It took of graciously, soring up into the air.

Draco was holding him tightly, but Harry still couldn't resist spreading his arms and laughing. They circled around the castle for a few minutes, until Draco tapped Harry's shoulder.

'Turn around,' he whispered.

Harry nodded while he carefully swung his legs over the Thestreals back until he faced Draco in a relatively safe position.

'Good,' Draco whispered, before leaning closer to Harry, 'I'm sorry for waking you up,' 

Harry smiled, 'It's alright, I did say Saturday.' 

He smiled even wider when Draco kissed him, carefully at first, but with more and more passion as the time passed. Harry pulled him close, playing with his hair.

He moaned softly when Draco pulled him even closer, nearly onto his lap. He felt how Draco slowly pushed him over until he felt the Thestreals manes tickle his neck.

At some point, the Thestreal decided to fly back towards the ground. Draco pulled back a bit and climbed off its back, followed by Harry.

The creature had only been gone for a second when Harry was pushed against a wall. Just before Draco kissed him again, Harry stopped him.

'Draco,' he whispered, 'I've never done anything like this before.'

His friend pulled back a bit, 'You and Weaselette never-'

'No,' Harry said, shrugging.

Draco nodded, 'Don't worry, Harry. It's never too late to say no, I'll stop wherever you want me to.' He smiled, 'Let's dance.'

Harry raised his eyebrows, 'Dance? I don't really do that, especially without music.'

Draco took his hands, 'Come on, it'll be fun. I'll teach you.'

Harry nodded as Draco began. He really was a good dancer, and Harry realised he was really enjoying it. When they stopped, the horizon had already turned red, and the light made Draco's eyes twinkle.

'You're good,' Harry said when Draco let go of his hands.

Draco looked as though he wanted to respond, but he was interrupted by the sound of Hogwarts' students. They had been hanging out of the windows, watching them, and were now giving applause that made both Harry and Draco blush.

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