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(Hi guys! Sorry for the late update, powers been out for a bit and I've been busy with graduation stuff. But since it's my last week of high school before I go to college, updates should be more frequent! I'm thinking this story can get updated twice a week, and not once a week. Anyways, here you go.)

"Hey guys, I'm back with the...Dode?"

"Hi, Schmitty."

"Hi." Schmitty eyed [Redacted] and Dixie, clearly confused and weirded out. Shutting and locking the door, Schmitty moved to the kitchen with the donuts in hand. "How'd you get in? Did Dixie let you in?" The AI followed him into the kitchen, the cats following behind to eat the rest of the food and water in their cat bowls.

"Didn't you get the text?" Dode asked.

"My phone's muted. I don't want my phone to distract me while driving."

"That's fair. I let myself in through the window." Slightly alarmed that he and everyone else forgot to shut the window, he turned around and shut it. "I regret that though, because your guard dog was quick to attack me."

"Guard dog?" Schmitty turned around to face the robot

"[Redacted]" Dode stated, in a deadpan manner.

"I'm right here, you know." The killer said aloud. The duo turned around to find [Redacted] and Dixie looking at them, the former looking slightly annoyed while the latter looked happy as usual. Dode rolled her eyes.

"I am aware. In fact, I'm not here for friendly chit chat." Schmitty sighed, taking a seat on a stool.

"You never are." The Quiplash host said aloud, as he grabbed a donut, and began to munch it down. Dixie took a seat next to Schmitty, while the Trivia Murder Party host remained standing, in case anything else happened.

"Another host went missing,"

"Another one?" Dixie interjected. Dode gave a nod, before continuing to explain.

"Third one this week; Gene and Mayonnaise was taken too. Mayonnaise was last seen at the office, while Felicia was supposedly last seen at her house."

"What do you mean supposedly? Was she there or not?" Schmitty asked. Dode took a breath,

"I'm not sure. No one is. Some people say she was going to her house while others say she was going to visit Dr. Ro." [Redacted] was about to ask a question but Dode cut him off. "Please save all your questions until the end. We're going to go nowhere if you guys keep asking stuff in the middle. Anyway, Felicia's house is currently being searched and the person she was going to go see and Dr. Ro is being held for questioning. I heard she's gonna be released soon though. Allegedly, she wanted Felicia to come over to help her for an experiment and her magic was going to come in handy. But, I think we all can agree; something bigger is happening, and if we don't, I have more evidence to prove it. Behold!" Dode pulled up a holograph of a few pictures. One had Felicia talking to some guy with a book in his hand. Another had Mayonnaise packing up, with the same guy from earlier staring at him. Finally, the last picture showed Gene charging, with the guy present once again, standing dangerously close to the power outlet.

"Uh....What am I looking at?" [Redacted] asked.

"Various pictures taken when Felicia, Gene, and Mayonnaise went missing. Well, when we last saw them I should say."

"Woah..." Dixie mumbled mesmerized.

"Isn't this illegal. Why aren't you being questioned for having these?" Schmitty asked the robot.

"You are aware that these have been released publicly right?" Schmitty whipped out his phone after hearing the AI's response, quickly looking up the pictures.

"Well I'll be damned. But why, isn't this still an ongoing case?" Schmitty asked?

"Yes, it is. But just because a case is still ongoing doesn't mean that they can't reveal evidence to the public. Which brings me to my next point. I'm here from the police department." [Redacted] gulped loudly which led Dode to laugh a tiny bit. "Don't worry; even though I should be arresting you considering your status, I'm not going to. Besides, I need to ask all of you guys for something."

"What do you need?" Dixie asked.

"No one believes me about this being a part of a larger organization or idea. I need proof to show them, and since Felicia's home hasn't been searched by police yet, I would like to ask you guys to help me conduct a search."

"No, I'm out. You guys can go ahead and let me know if you find anything but I'm not gonna risk getting killed.

"Schmitty, come on. It's gonna be fun!" [Redacted] told the Quiplash host. Schmitty shook his head and grabbed a donut.

"No, I'm gonna go visit Nate and talk to him about the crazy shit going on. You guys have fun doing your Scooby Doo, investigation team schtick."

"Well, would you two like to join me?" Dode asked.

"Sure I guess. But if this is a sting to have me arrested, then I won't hesitate to send you to the scrapyard." [Redacted] stated firmly.

"Duly noted. Dixie, what about you?" Dixie pouted, before saying

"I would love to, but I have to host some games tomorrow, and I have to clean out some areas of my library. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Anyways, [Redacted], I'll be by the hotel in the afternoon. Please don't attempt to kill me again." Dode's eyes slightly narrowed at said male

"No promises." [Redacted] grinned.

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