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(Hi, just a heads up, after this little arc, we will take a magical trip to Cookie's adventure in where-ever-the-fuck-he-is land, featuring Felicia. And, we'll be there for quite a bit of time. Now, if you don't mind me, i'm going back to my hole in Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy XIV)

"Wake up. Come on, wake up." A distorted voice called out. A groan escaped the shadows lips as he slowly opened his tired eyes and looked around. As he tried to get up, he realized he couldn't. He looked down at body and saw his wrists, ankles, and waist tied to a chair with rope. He grunted, trying his best to escape. He looked around and saw [Redacted] flipping a knife in his grip, sitting in a chair in front of him, and Dixie off to the side by the stairwell, trying to avoid making eye contact with the man. She had a notebook in her hands, presumably to take notes about what the man was going to say. The basement had the occasional box here and there, but otherwise, it was rather spacey and empty. 

"Where am I...?" The shadow asked, quietly looking around at the unfamiliar area.

"The killing floor! Obviously! Well, it's Schmitty's basement but it's ours for now! Right, Dixie?" [Redacted]'s eyes went to Dixie's. Dixie gave a grin, and a thumbs up.

"Yeah, but don't make it too messy. We don't want to make Schmitty even more stressed." Dixie told him. [Redacted] waved a hand at the statement.

"No worries, I plan on making this quick." [Redacted] got up and turned the shadow's chair to face Dixie. Shadows seeped off his body as [Redacted] wrapped his arms around the other shadow.

"The killing floor?" The shadow questioned.

"Yeah!" The killer started. He looked down at the ground in thought before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, it's not the actual killing floor, but no matter. A killing floor is a killing floor, as my mom used to say." [Redacted] chuckled, before adding, "I even made a small version of the loser wheel! Seriously, you have no clue how excited I am to try out this stuff."

"Uh, [Redacted]?" Dixie interjected, awkwardly waving her hand. The male looked her with a beaming grin.

"Yes Dixie?" He asked. 

"We have to ask him questions, we can't kill him." She reminded him.

"Yeah, you're right! I got a bit ahead of myself, I'm sorry about that. So, I think you know the drill," [Redacted] grabbed the man by his shoulders, "And I'm not talking about the one I have on me right now." The mans eyes widened at that statement as he struggled to escape again. He cringed as he saw a leather covered thumb stroke the mans cheek. "Okay, I don't actually have a drill on me. Depressing, I know. I wish hammerspace existed too sometimes. But I think it's about time to get serious, don't you think so Dixie?" 

"I guess."

"Come on Dixie," The killer pleaded. "Let your inner murder out." Dixie sighed, before looking up from her notebook and giving a nod, slightly smiling.

"Yeah." She agreed in a less scared tone.

"There's the enthusiasm I'm looking for! How about you?" He glanced at his victim. The shadows eyes widened in fear before shaking his head rapidly. That made [Redacted] all the more excited. "Oh I think he is~. Well, let's not keep our guest of honor waiting." [Redacted] moved his gloved hand away from the shadows face to his sides. The shadow took a sigh of relief before he felt an arm wrap around his body. A flash of metal got his attention as he saw a knife near his throat. "What's your name?" 

"I-I don't have one!" The shadow squeaked out. Dixie raised an eyebrow at his statement.

Clicking the pen on her thumb, she looked at the shadow confused. "What do you mean, 'You don't have one'." She asked. The shadow looked horrified by the knife getting slowly closer. "[Redacted] wait, please!" She pleaded. The shadow-covered killer eyed the girl, then looked at the man before slowly putting his knife back at his side.

"Fine, go ahead. Why don't you have a name?" [Redacted] groaned, almost looking upset.

"I don't know it...I'm sorry. I got called "Faker" from time to time, and that's about it." He whimpered, looking down. Tears started to roll down his face. Dixie was about to get up and comfort the man, but [Redacted] gave her a look of warning. As broken down as he appeared, he still had a chance to be dangerous. Dixie wrote his 'name' in the notebook as [Redacted] continued.

"Okay, Faker, who sent you?" [Redacted] asked. The Faker looked down again, shook his head, as he started to sob. 

"I don't know." He cried out. "I don't know, my memory got wiped. This!" He pulled a chip out of his pocket. "This thing! I don't know what it is, but it's evil! My memory's so foggy. I can't remember a thing! What happened to me!" [Redacted]'s eye's shifted to the thing the Faker held up. It was the same usb type thing he found at Felicia's. "Please, you have to believe me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" [Redacted] sighed, looking at the Faker before putting his knife away.

"Okay. I believe you, but I'm not untying you just yet." The killer told him. Dixie walked over to the two. "Tell us what you remember." [Redacted] asked, as the shadows' retreated and his voice slowly went back to normal.

"Okay, okay. All I remember was our mission; the alien and I. We had to fetch Dode and Schmitty. Our plan was to use your friend here as a hostage. If you gave us who we wanted, we would give you who we wanted. After our altercation, a stone hit this thing in my head." The Faker held up the usb drive. "Next thing, I wake up and end up here. I don't remember who sent us on the mission. I'm sorry for everything, I'm so sorry-"

"Stop apologizing." [Redacted] told the shadow.

"Look, I'll get out of your hair. Its better that way, I promise. Someone's gonna come after me, I know it, I don't wanna hurt you guys more than I did already. Please, I'm begging you." 

Dixie bent down to the mans height. Grabbing his hands gently, she felt her heart drop as she saw the man wince. "I'm not going to hurt you, [Redacted]'s not going to hurt you. We should apologize for making you scared, and doing this to you without questioning further. I have an idea. You said someone's coming after you, right?" Dixie asked. The man gave a worried nod. "Well, there's this hotel [Redacted] runs, and it's armed to the teeth. If you want, we could keep you there. We could stay there with you to keep you company. It's not as bad as it sounds but it's one of the safest places I know. You'd be okay with it, right [Redacted]?" The killer nodded.

"I've been working on trying to run it as a legitimate hotel anyways." [Redacted] responded. The shadow sat in thought, before giving a nod.

"Okay. Even if I do get hurt, I deserve it."

"Plus, we can work on your confidence while your there." Dixie smiled. "[Redacted] help me untie him." [Redacted] gave a thumbs up and began to help her with his rope work. "By the way, you said you didn't remember your name right?" The Faker gave a small nod, with a frown on his face. " about George?" Dixie asked. 

"I don't think my name was George though." The Faker mumbled.

"It's a placeholder name silly!" Dixie laughed. The fakers eyes widened before he gave a small laugh.

"Yeah, I like that one. Thank you for helping me." George smiled, happy with his second chance.

"Group hug everyone!" Dixie shouted, wrapping her arms around the two. 

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