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This chapter was a bit of a doozy to write, and I also decided to take a mini break for mental health. I realized I forgot to say this in an earlier chapter, but happy pride month! I hope the month was nice to everyone! I know it was for me. Anyways, here's the next chapter)

"So uh..."

"Still playing with dolls after all, huh [Redacted]"

"No! I mean, uh, come on Dode. You out of all people should know I was trying to think of new ways to kill people, obviously."

"Does that include giving them fake voices, and getting inside a toy car to go to a 'mall'." 

"How long were you watching me!"

"Long enough to record it. I might send it to Dixie later."

The two were walking through a dark, mossy path as thick trees covered the view, making it look like the sun almost completely vanished. The closer the two hosts got to the house, the darker it felt. [Redacted]'s face grew red out of embarrassment from the conversation. Looking away from the robot, he let out a small growl.

"Don't you dare." He muttered.

"I won't, as long as you're on your best behavior."

"I'm gonna break your hard drive." [Redacted] glared. Dode smirked at the killer.

"Then I'll just update it to the cloud, and possibly all the Jackbox employee's phones." [Redacted]'s eyes widened at that statement. "But enough of that. We're almost there. So, here's the plan. You know how crime scene searches work correct?" The killer gave her a, 'What do you think?' look. Dode looked down awkwardly. "Kind of figured you would have, but I just wanted to make sure."

"I'm offended that you think I didn't!" He exclaimed in a teasing manner.

"So, do I even have to explain this?" Dode questioned. [Redacted] responded by reaching inside his tailcoat pocket and pulling out two pairs of gloves. Giving one pair to her, he shook his head.


"Okay, good. Please don't hurt yourself once we get inside." She exercised. [Redacted] smiled. Wrapping an arm around the robot, he puled her in close as he gave a chuckle.

"Awww, you really do care about me." Yanking herself out of his grip, she rolled her eyes.

"I never said I didn't." She informed, as she dusted herself off. "And you smell like old blood." The killer shrugged.

"Comes with the job I guess. Plus I didn't have time to wash today."

"Because you were playing with your dolls?" 

"I wasn't playing with them! I was torturing them in gruesome ways!" He shouted. Dode stared at him unamused before nodding.

"Right." She deadpanned. 

"You don't get it." He grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. The two walked along the path until they reached an old, wooden house. "Here's Felicia's place." [Redacted] began. As he walked up the creaky old steps, Dode floated behind him. "Ready?" [Redacted] asked.

"I should be asking you that question." The killer smiled at that statement.

"Remind me to lock you in the closest closet I find." He muttered back at her. As he grasped his hand on the door, his eyes lit up in pain. Throwing himself backwards with a howl, he ripped off the gloves and quickly looked at his hand. A small burn was beginning to form. 

"[Redacted]! Are you okay?" Dode asked, hovering over to him. Nudging his hand over to her face, she frowned at what she saw. Quickly assessing the damage, she let out a sigh. It wasn't as bad as she thought. His skin was dark red, and some of the skin peeled up. "Some sores might form across the palm, but luckily it's not lethal. Looks like a first degree burn if you ask me. What even happened? You were wearing gloves, how did you get hurt through them?"

"Holy magic." He grunted out. "Felt like I was set on fire."

"Well, I guess we have to do the search another day." Looking back up at the house, Dode saw something on the porch. Letting [Redacted] go, she floated over there. Ignoring his confused looks, she eyed something on the corner of the porch. It was a pink, usb drive. Picking it up, she floated back over to [Redacted]. Shoving the usb in his pocket, she gave him a smile. "Hold onto that for me, would you?" 

"I don't really have a choice, huh." 


"Okay then. But at least we found out some stuff today." Helping the male up, Dode raised a holographic eyebrow at him.

"What did we find out?" She began, as she adjusted her glasses. "All we found was this usb drive."

"And that someone was here before us, and that they know magic. Also they don't use shadows like me. If they tried, they would have killed themselves on the spot." [Redacted] smirked through the pain. "Dode, you just peaked my interest even more with this! Don't let me down now."

"As long as I don't die from your hands, I promise I won't."

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