Taylor's Appearance and Headcanons

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(Once again, trigger warning for character death)

-Taylor died in 1970. She was being chased by someone she stole from and ended being a victim of a hit and run. The reason she got sent to hell was because of petty theft and larceny.

-She wasn't a very aggressive demon, wanting to be by herself and not be associated with the more greater evils hell has ever seen which, believe it or not, is very easy to do if you're not careful.

-Angels came down every now and then to fight demons in an attempt to wipe them from the spirit realm. Usually, whenever they did this, Taylor would hide in a hole or destroyed area to be away from the carnage because she couldn't fight.

-One day, she was found and nearly killed again by Vivian. Pleading for her life, she said that she "wanted a chance to live and she had to steal to survive, and that she's a good person." That struck a cord with Vivian, because she died before her life really began. Vivian decided to spare her and the two talked for a tiny bit. They discovered that they had a lot in common, they never really got a chance to date in their mortal life, they died around 20, and they both wanted to be something else in their life. Vivian wanted to help fight in wars while Taylor wanted to live any other life that wasn't involved in crime.

-After that, the two rarely got a chance to speak to one another. Taylor, during this break, used the opportunity to learn magic, in case another angel decided to visit her that wasn't as nice. She stole a magic book from a dead demon and studied the spell in it and wanting to get better with the magic.

-Later on, she got summoned by a higher up demon, in order to help with a new project. There was a halfling female sitting by the desk which made Taylor shriek in surprise.

-She got informed that there was a building holding a sacred book that angels and demons had to protect and she could go up there because she met the criteria, being that the crime that sentenced her to hell wasn't as bad some other ones like murder.

-Decided that it was a chance to redeem herself, she took the halfling with her and made her way to the library.

-Inside, she saw someone she was dying to see for the longest; Vivian.

-Taylor wanted to kill the angels that hurt Vivian but decided against it.

-Like I said in Vivian's story, the two raised Dixie (Who was 12), the Dictionarium, and they ended up dating later.

-----------------10 Headcanons--------------

1. Taylor dislikes cars. She also dislikes dogs because she was constantly almost bit by them during her thieving escapades when she was alive

2. [Redacted] keeps asking her to take him with her whenever she goes to visit hell. Taylor agrees but Vivian finds a way to keep [Redacted] from going every time.

3. Taylor can play the guitar. She usually jams out whenever Vivian plays the piano.

4. Taylor can speak Spanish

5. Taylor is very lazy so she lets her magic do her work for her. If that doesn't work, she tries to convince Dixie or Vivian to do it.

6. She takes Vivian and Dixie on family vacations to Walmart.

7. She likes to scare Schmitty and the others for the fun of it, also currently trying to figure out a way to scare [Redacted] and Felicia

8. She only goes to hell to give a report to her higher ups. She'll only bring Dixie and Vivian if she has to.

9. She's distrusting of everyone she meets, because of her past life and her time in hell

10. She helps Vivian fly up to higher in the library because of her disability.

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