Welcome to The Hotel

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The morning sun glazed over the killer's skin as his eyes slowly opened. Reaching an arm to his face, he rubbed his eyes in a small attempt to get rid of tiredness. Soon after, he was greeted to the sound of a bell dinging. Letting out a loud groan, he flipped over an grabbed his old shotgun from his nightstand. He originally got the shotgun as a gift from dad in hopes that he 'became more of a man'; and it was the same shotgun [Redacted] used to kill him with. Throwing the door open with a huff, he aimed down the sights of his gun. He was about to pull trigger until he saw a familiar brown haired girl staring at him confused and a floating ai glaring daggers at him. Shock grasped him as he dropped his shotgun to the floor and he kicked it to the side.

"Guys!" He said awkwardly, giving a nervous smile, "Didn't know you were coming! Wish you called or something..."

"We did." Dode deadpanned.

"Really? Wow, must have been asleep."[Redacted] said, eyes darting around frantically to see if there was anyone else.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" Dode questioned. [Redacted] gave a nod, not before quietly mumbling out a swear. 

"Fine, sure." The killer rolled his eyes, as he gestured for Dode to follow him into his room.

"Wait...this is different then the room I found you in before." Dode began confused, "There aren't any chests, wigs or dolls in this one." She spoke aloud. There was a bed that laid in the middle of the room with messy sheets, with a desk off in the corner of the room with notecards scattered across it with a couple of gaming consoles shoved near it. 

"This is my actual bedroom, the other one you saw was a storage area, and a killing room." [Redacted] explained as he shut the door. 

"Ah." Dode mumbled. "Not as...murdery as I thought."

"We didn't come here to ogle at my room, what did you want to talk about?" [Redacted] asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe why did you point a gun at us?!" Dode shouted, waving her arms in anger. [Redacted] didn't flinch at her anger, instead giving her a blank, dead stare.

"Hello?!" Dode exclaimed.

"Are you done?" The killer asked as he sat onto the bed. 

"Are you?" Dode scolded.

Waving her off, the killer took in a sigh before looking Dode in the eyes again. "You are aware that this is nicknamed the 'Murder Hotel', correct? Surely someone who has worked in the police would know this." Dode looked away before shaking her head.

"They never really told me much. Whenever I was there, no one talked to me." Dode joined the killer on the bed. "I was on Binjpipe's case way before this happened. I just wish they took me seriously, so that it wouldn't get this bad."

"It could be worse." [Redacted] began, "There could be nanobot burying into your brains." 

"[Redacted] please." Dode said.

"Spooky scary roboboys, slithering in your brain~" He sang, enjoying the look of annoyance on the robots face.

"I'm going to tase you." Dode seethed out

"I'd be into it." [Redacted] smirked

"I'll be sure to let Dixie know."

"She's already of aware of it." Dode's eyes widened at [Redacted]'s reply. She gauged his reaction to see if he was joking or not, only to be given a hand wave.

"Don't worry. I'm only joking." Dode sent an exasperated glare towards the killer, before turning away from the blonde. [Redacted] leaned over in an attempt to maintain eye contact with the robot, before giving up, and laying down on the bed. 

"You are such a bad influence on her. Are you aware that I heard her swear the other day?" The robot asked.

"You sure that's not Schmitty's fault? I swear, but not as much as that guy. But if she starts to clean everything with bleach, that might be because of me." [Redacted] started to explain.

"Of course, who else douses their clothes with enough bleach that they start to smell like an indoor pool." [Redacted]'s eyes narrowed slightly at that comment. The robot turned around to face her annoyed companion before giving an innocent smile. "What? I might be talking about someone else?"

"Anyway!" The killer began as he cut her off, involuntarily raising his arm to smell her sleeve to see if her comment was accurate. [Redacted] gave a wince once he received a strong smell of bleach. "Anyways, I have a serious question. Two actually." 

That got Dode's attention, which made her quickly put on a serious face. "Oh?" She began, as she moved on top on the pillows that were by [Redacted]'s head. "I have a couple of serious answers." A knock echoed on the door.

"Dode? [Redacted]? Are you okay?" Dixie questioned. "Schmitty just arrived with George! Come on out and greet him."

"Just a few more seconds!" Dode responded, before giving [Redacted] a look that practically said 'hurry up'.

"What ever happened to the alien you were questioning." The killer question, eyeing the robot next to him.

"I'd rather talk about that when we're all together, also, who is George?" Dode asked raising an eyebrow.

"So, you know the guy we were supposed to interrogate..." 

"You didn't..." Dode asked, eyes widening behind her glasses. [Redacted] gave another awkward smile, rubbing the back of his head. "[Redacted]..." Dode began, as she glared at the male, "What happened."

"In the words of a certain robot, "I'll tell you what happened when we're all together."" [Redacted] smirked at seeing the robot beginning to turn red.

"Do you not know the amount of danger we're in? Or are you just too stupid or ignorant to not care?!" Dode screamed at the robot. The killer sighed before getting off of the bed. "[Redacted]!"

"Calm down." The killer mumbled, giving her a tired glance. "Look, he's not dangerous. For now at least. Besides, do you really think he's going to try anything with you, me and Dixie here."

"What about Schmitty?" Dode asked, in a shouting tone.

"He knows where the weapons are. Besides I think he's capable of calling the police."

"You would risk the murder hotel like this?" Dode asked. [Redacted] paused before giving a nod.

"My hands are tied and the cards are stacked against us. We really have no options and he is our only lead. Even though he has amnesia, or at least I'm assuming he is, I'm still holding out hope that he'll remember something." The killer explained. Dode sat in silence before deciding to end the argument. Dode gave the killer a nod.

"You're starting to sound a lot like Dixie, you know that? I think she's rubbing off on you. You're mom would be proud." The blonde frowned before nodding.

"I still miss her, I'm sure she would have loved Dixie." [Redacted] said aloud.

"I'm sure she would have too, however we shouldn't keep our guests waiting any longer, lest they knock again." Dode tried to joke. The killer looked at her before slightly smiling and giving the robot a nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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