Something Different

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(Hiya guys! I'm currently going through all of the chapters and doing some editing. It's not gonna be anything big, no worries, more around the lines of editing my grammar usage, fixing mistakes in sentences, etc. . I've also been playing Catherine Full Body, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Hollow Knight so that's another thing that took some time, I'm sorry. But hey, enough about that, here's the new chapter)

Blue eyes fluttered open, as he felt his body being shook.

"Cookie!" The voice exclaimed, as he felt his body being shaken more. Slightly pushing the hands off of him, he sat up from his spot on the cold, hard, stony ground. Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the figure in front of him. It took him a minute, before his eyes widened in realization of who it was. 

"Felicia?" She gave a nod, smiling at the man, which seemed a bit forced to Cookie. Looking around a little more, he saw metal bars in front of him, and a bunk bed sat behind him. "Where are we?" He began, "Prison?" Felicia, once again, nodded. As he tried to get up, a throbbing pain in his head caused him to sit back down.

"Don't move so fast!" She quietly scolded him, "And try to keep your voice down. You never know who could be listening down here." Cookie gave her a thumbs up, as he sank back down on the floor. 

"Why are we even here?" He asked to the monster. The monster shrugged.

"I don't know, all I remember was that Binjpipe wanted to conduct an interview at my house for a new game and I got knocked unconscious, and now here I am. I tried to break out, but that just ended with me getting thrown back in here with holy magic and tasers." She silently shuddered at that flashback. Turning her gaze back towards the male, she dusted off her dress awkwardly. Fixing her bun, she gave him a smile. "Well, how did you get here?"

"I was in my house, feeding Poopsie and Mayonnaise, and I don't know."

"You don't know?" She questioned.

"My visions fuzzy, okay! I don't know what you want me to say, I just want to get out of whatever the hell this place is." Cookie shouted. Felicia put a finger to her mouth, and the male winced as he realized what he did. "Sorry." He muttered. "I'm lost, confused, scared and I feel like I have the worst hangover right now." 

"Yeah, you've been out longer than I have." Felicia mumbled. Cookie did a double take at the new information, jaw slightly dropping. 

"W-wait, how long have you been here? More importantly, how long have I been here?" The male interrogated. Felicia turned her gaze away from him, folding her arms over her chest as she joined him on the ground. 

"I've been here for a couple of days, which means that you've been out for over a week." She said quietly. 

"Over a week! Oh god, my friends and family probably thinks I'm dead! My cats are probably dead. My interns....probably don't care, but still!"

"Calm down, last time I talked to [Redacted] , he said Schmitty's taking care of your cats. Can't say anything about your family, and interns though. Take a deep breath, and calm down, seriously." Cookie took a deep breath, slightly holding his head from the pain, and how sick he felt.

"So, what now? We die, in here." Cookie asked. Felicia shook her head and gave a grin.

"We bust out of here. Mayonnaise and Gene are here too. They plan on helping us escape."

"What's the plan then, and how are we going to talk to them?" Cookie questioned. Felicia sat right in front of him, making sure to block the view of the camera's. 

"Not here. There's a camera in the room. If Binjpipe gets any hints that we're trying to escape, we're as good as dead; or worse." She spoke in a hushed whisper.

"What's worse than death?" 

"Being a slave for eternity of course, or a lab rat for experiments. That's what I heard from Gene, at least." Cookie let out an audible gulp at that information. "But, I wouldn't worry. As long as we play it as careful as we can, we can win. Plus, I'm positive that our co-workers are coming for us." Felicia grinned. 

"I doubt it." 

"I don't." Felicia leaned forward a tiny bit and lifted his chin up with her finger so he was looking her dead in her eyes. Well, the main two eyes at least. "Don't give up hope so easily, otherwise you won't survive long here. Anyways, I'm gonna get some sleep; you look like you could use some too. Tommorrow, we'll start planning our escape." She whispered as she gave him a pat on the back. "Do you want me to take the top bunk?" She asked.

"I don't care." Cookie mumbled.

"Top bunk it is then." The monster crawled her way to the top of the bed, leaving Cookie to flop onto the bottom bed. 

"Goodnight Cookie." She told him

"Night." He muttered, as darkness consumed his vision once more.


"Miss? The Dictionarium attack was unsuccessful. We couldn't secure the Dictionarium hostess, and it looks as if the building is repairing itself." The woman sighed, flopping her head on her desk.

"Great, now I can record another failure to Binjpipe. Thanks." The woman muttered. 

"I'm sorry miss-"

"That's enough of that. Did the agent come back?" she asked. The alien answer, instead looking down at the ground, as they muttered an answer. The woman raised an eyebrow at that, as she got up, and walked over to the other side of the room to her coffee machine. Throwing her mug in it, she turned it on and looked back at the creature. 

"I'm waiting for an answer I can hear." She told them. The alien looked scared as they tried to slowly take a step backwards in an attempt to leave. The woman noticed and grabbed a remote and hit a button, causing the door to slam shut, making the alien shriek out of surprise. Taking a seat on the counter, she crossed her arms. "Come on."

"No." The alien fell to their knees. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me, they went off without me, I had no choice! Give me another mission to prove myself!" The alien pleaded. The woman thought about the offer for a minute before nodding her head.

"Okay. I'm gonna have you ask around and ask for Dode and Schmitty. You know who those guys are, right?" The alien nodded. "Good. Make sure you bring them to me alive. Don't worry about Dixie for now, we'll come back and fetch her." 

"Uh...One more thing?"

"What?" The woman asked, as she opened the door back up

"Well, when I was lingering at the Dictionarium, trying to help with the fight my comrade caused, there was a man stalking the place. I don't know if you know him but he had a red tux, and he was all shadowy like, should I be concerned or is he not a threat?" The woman's eyes widened as she bit her lip. 

"If you see him, disregard the mission and just bring him in. He's a threat and a big one." The alien nodded. 

"I understand." 

Grabbing a walkie-talkie, she turned a channel to call someone. "Faker? This is your supervisor. I have a special job for you to help an alien with. Don't worry, it's right up your alley."

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