A Nice Talk

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(Hi. This is just a reminder to go check out Alanna Artroids tumblr and deviantart. The character designs for the hosts were based on her ideas. Go show her some love)

"Apartment number 237, this should be it." Schmitty mumbled. Knocking on the wooden door, he waited there for a few minutes. Glancing at the tiled floor and the white walls, he proceeded to knock again. A brown-haired man tiredly opened up the doors and stared at the newcomer.

"Schmitty?" A tired voice croaked out. Schmitty gave a small nod.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" The Quiplash host asked. Nate shook his his.

"Don't worry about it; Come on in." Letting Schmitty in, he turned around and locked the door. It was a small little area with green walls, gray carpeting, a 'You Don't Know Jack' poster, a couch to the side by the window, with a fridge, table and tv also held in the room. Two doors sat off to the side which Schmitty assumed to be the bathroom and Nate's bedroom. "How are you doing Schmitty? I haven't seen you in a while." Nate asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm...eh. People are going missing left and right, and then the pictures that got released just makes me scared even more. And now [Redacted] and DODE are trying to go investigate this."


"[Redacted] and DODE, I thought I told you about them." Nate sat there in thought before answering.

"Nope; Maybe you did but they're not ringing any bells. Are they hosts or something?" Schmitty nodded.

"Yeah, they came in some time after you left Jackbox to work on your radio gig. [Redacted]'s the host of Trivia Murder Party and DODE's the host of Push the Button."

"Fun." The two sat in silence for a second. "Wait, [Redacted]? Isn't he a criminal."

"Yeah. The whole situation is a bit complicated and weird. Jackbox, and to some extent BINJPIPE, have promised to keep [Redacted] out and jail and pay some of his bail if he keeps hosting Trivia Murder Party. The only rules are that he can't kill someone on tv, and that if he does commit another crime and gets caught, the deal is off. Think parole, but more weird and complicated. I heard that he puts the souls of his victims into dolls and kills them that way with some magic; just a rumor though." Schmitty explained. Nate bit his lip before sighing.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that's true, a lot of shady stuff happens up there, that's why I left."

"Like the ride?"

"Like the ride. Do you want something to eat, or drink?" Schmitty shook his head. Nate shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"How's the radio show going?"

"Pretty good actually, however recently we've been getting a call from a person who doesn't say anything. I wouldn't mind if it was just once, but they just do it, every day. We blocked the number but they still keep calling."


"Yeah, no kidding. So you said that [Redacted] and DODE are trying to investigate this; Are they investigating the disappearances or something else?"

"Yeah, but I don't think they'll find anything." Nate crooked an eyebrow up at that. "I mean, come on Nate. The police don't think anything's happening. I doubt it's nothing more but one big coincidence." Nate shrugged. A loud ding sounded through the room. Nate looked down to check his phone. "It looks like they have another person in custody for questioning."

"What?" Nate showed Schmitty the news article on his phone. Schmitty's eyes widened, as he looked at the picture provided. It was the man from the pictures DODE showed him.

"C-can I see this." Schmitty stuttered out. Nate shrugged.

"Go nuts." Taking the phone out of his hand, he quickly eyed over the article, frantically trying to piece together what happened. One line stuck out to him. 'He was seen at a couple other places which included the Radio station of ex host, Nate Shapiro.'

"Nate, you might wanna see this." Nate took the phone back. Looking the article over, he saw Nate visibly swallow, before putting his phone back on the table.

"Great. Oh well, he's in custody now, I'm not too worried about it. I am probably gonna stay over Guy's for a little bit; just to be on the safe side."

"Smart move. Did you notice him beforehand or not? I know some people visit your office as a tourist site." Nate shook his head. Schmitty felt a slight bit more nervous at that answer.

"Nope. Maybe he was a part of a tourist group." Looking outside, Schmitty noticed the sun beginning to set, as pink clouds painted and covered the sky. Taking that as a cue to leave, he got up and grabbed his things.

"I'll see you later Nate, thank you for the talk. If you need to call me for anything, let me know." Letting the Quiplash host out, Nate gave a nod.

"Yeah, of course. Be safe out there." The door locked behind Schmitty with a soft click. Fumbling around with his keys, he yanked them out his pocket. Walking over to the elevators, he pressed the down button and stepped inside. Once the doors opened, he went out the main lobby's doors and stepped outside to find his car in the small parking lot.

The drive home was a decently quick one and pretty quiet, save for the couple of honks he fired at a couple of drivers. Once he pulled into his driveway, he noticed someone was banging at his door. Exiting out the car, he eyed the newcomer before shock filled his body at who it was; Dixie, looking extremely shaken up and worried.

"Dixie, are you okay? What happened?"

"Let me in and i'll explain, please!" Schmitty hurried over and locked the door to his car. Nearly tripping over his set of stairs to the door, he quickly unlocked the door. Dixie pushed past him and threw herself, Schmitty following close behind her. Locking the door behind him, he turned to the girl, who looked like she was on the verge of crying.

"They're after me!" She cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

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