A/N Blackout Tuesday

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Hi, if you were expecting a new story update, it'll be out tomorrow but please read this, seriously. 

Earlier this week, a man by the name of George Floyd died from a police officer. The officer put his knee on the mans neck, choking him and killing him. All while the man was saying that he couldn't breathe. George was a black man, while the officer was white. This has sparked many protests and riots and I want to get some things across as well as my own personal thoughts and opinions.

I'm a biracial woman and I shouldn't have to be afraid of police officers. I'm a biracial woman and I shouldn't have to be afraid to walk down my own street. I shouldn't have to worry about the future my kids are going to grow up in. I shouldn't have to worry about my family. And when your president doesn't care about your race, then you feel even less protected. Calling us "thugs" and saying that you're going to "Call the national guard if it get's worse" and that you'll "stick the dogs on us" makes it even worse. Especially if all he's going to do is hide in his bunker in the white house instead of trying to defuse the situation. I can't say this enough, as a biracial woman who lives with the black side of her family, I'm afraid. I'm angry. Change needs to happen and it needs to happen now. If you think what the police officer did was right, then you need to stop reading this story and block me. If you even have the slightest racist bone in you, then you need to stop reading this story and block me.

Furthermore, to the protestors, I have a few things I want to say to you. There's no need to loot, or attack the officers. I live in Michigan, and we've seen a lot of protests here. Some peaceful, some not so peaceful. I'm not saying that if you're protesting, you're wrong (Hell, I encourage to you to get your voice out there if possible) but please protest peacefully. Throwing railroad spikes, glass bottles, looting, attempting to run over officers, etc., isn't gonna help. You're just committing another crime on your own instead of solving the issue at hand.

So you may be wondering, what can I do to help? Spread the word. This isn't the first case of police brutality and racism, and I know it's not gonna be the last. But we can drown out those voices. I know there isn't a lot of people reading this story, but even if one person does this, I'll be happy and grateful. #justiceforfloyd, #icantbreathe, and #blacklivesmatter are amazing hashtags to use on social media. If you don't use social media, bring it up to your friends, your family, the people you work with, anyone who will listen. Please, we can't do this alone, we need help from anyone and everyone. If you can join a peaceful protest, do it. Do whatever you can to get this across, because enough is enough. I've had it. I'm tired of being afraid and worried just because of who I am. I've had racial slurs thrown at me before, I got called a mutt, mullato, and oreo and other things too. I'm tired of it. I can't take it anymore

One more thing I'd like to ask, after reading this, please take a moment of silence. For Floyd, for other individuals of police brutality and race crimes, and for the black community as a whole. 

The new update will be out tomorrow

Thank you

Justice for Floyd

Black Lives Matter

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