Such Horrible Things

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(I'm sorry this took so long. College was rough the first week and depression came and took away my will to write. I also have a face reveal on my page now so if you want to see a homeless gremlin, there it is. And I'm also gonna be writing another Schmitty x [Redacted] story soon!)

'The walk to their cell was always arduous.' Dr. Ro thought, as her keys jangled throughout the air. Unlocking the dark cell, she opened the door, creating a loud creak. Slit eyes stared at her through the darkness, sending a glare out into her direction. Putting her hands on her hips, she let out a small sigh. "Come on," She began, waving her hand in an ushering motion, "You know where we have to go." The figure sighed before nudging his partner to wake him up. After a few minutes, the two followed her down into her lab. Once she locked the door, she turned back to the others, who looked visibly tense. "Relax." She said as she took a seat on the countertop. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You're Mayonnaise and Gene, right?" The cat gave a hesitant nod.

"I know who you are." Gene began, eyes narrowing at her. "I know better than to trust you."

"Then Felicia clearly hasn't told me about you." Dr. Ro said and she folded her arms. Mayonnaise's eyes narrowed at that.

"What did you do to her?" Mayonnaise asked.

"Nothing. Believe what you may believe but I'm not the bad guy here. " Gene's robotic eyebrow went up at that statement. "I would take you back to my own lab to explain for more privacy, but I can't really take you with me." Dr. Ro stated in a sad tone

"Why not?" Mayonnaise asked. Dr. Ro stared at him with a deadpan expression. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she just stared at him with the same deadpan, 'are you serious?' expression. Mayonnaise's eyes widened in realization before giving a nod. 

"In case it wasn't obviously, we're all prisoners. Sure, I have more freedom, but it comes at a cost." She rolled up the sleeve on her left arm, and showed it to the robot and cat. Lining it were small, blinking red dots. 

"What are those?" Mayonnaise asked.

"Mini bombs. They're littered all over my body. If I do anything to make 'her highness' upset, I get blown up." Dr. Ro explained. 

"Where did she even get those?" Gene asked concerned. The doctor gave a shrug, before reaching across the countertop and grabbing a syringe.

"It's Binjpipe. She has sources everywhere. Although, if I had to guess, maybe the bomb corp? But, enough of that. You asked how I know Felicia right?" Dr. Ro asked, looking up at the two to see them scurrying away from her.

"What? I didn't drag you here just to talk, I need to take some blood." Dr. Ro said, in a confused tone. The two looked at each other before giving a nod, coming closer to her. "Now, none of you guys are allergic to latex right?" She asked, in a joking tone. Mayonnaise and Gene stared at her. "Nevermind, let's do this." She stuck the needle inside Mayonnaise's arm, making the cat flinch in pain. She mumbled out a sorry as she took some blood from his arms. Gene held out his arm, after she took the needle out of the cat's arm. "What are you doing?" Dr. Ro began, raising an eyebrow at the AI "You don't have blood. I can't really do much with you."

"Then why did you bring me here?" Gene asked.

"Like I said, I just want to talk. I assume Felicia didn't get the chance to tell you?" The doctor asked. Gene shook his head. Dr. Ro took a sigh as she put the blood in a small vial and set it off to the side. 'I can deal with that later.' She thought to herself.

"So, what's the story?" Mayonnaise asked.

"Behind what? Me being here, or Binjpipe's plan?"

"Both." Gene said.

"Well, I was the first to be kidnapped..."


"Dr. Ro! The lab results were a success! By God, you're a genius!" Her boss praised. She ruffled her hair in embarrassment, slightly blushing. "Thanks to you, we're on the brink of genetic cloning and modification! We're nearing a scientific breakthrough!"

"Thanks sir." She answered nervously, slightly cursing herself for not meeting his optimism. "I'll only need a week before we can start testing the serum on rats."

"I hope it's genetically safe-"

"Oh it is! I made absolute sure of it!" The doctor answered cutting him off, before swiftly apologizing.

"Don't apologize, I'm just happy this project is going somewhere. I'll see you in early tomorrow, right?" The supervisor asked. Dr. Ro, gave a nod, smiling.


"By the way, Binjpipe will be here in the morning to collect data for the project. She said she wants to fund the project and wishes to see our progress." 

"The one company that runs a lot of tv shows?" The doctor asked. Her boss gave a nod.

"That's the one! So I trust I'll see you here tomorrow morning, right?" 

"Right!" She exclaimed. Grabbing her paperwork, she left to her apartment, not before giving everyone a wave goodbye.

Once she arrived at her place, the dwindling daylight soon faded into night. Once morning came, she quickly drove down to the lab she worked at. Shutting the door behind her, she called aloud, "Boss! I'm here!" Running to the lab that she shared with her colleagues, she was confused to see no one. "Boss?" Opening the door to her lab, she froze dead in her tracks.

There, slumped over against her desk, she saw her boss. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head, his tie wrapped around his neck and a couple of syringes sticking out his arm. "Holy shit..." She mumbled, eyes widening, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Well, I didn't expect you to come here that fast." A feminine voice said. The doctor turned around to see a familiar pink colored feminine AI staring at her, slightly smiling.


"I?" Binjpipe asked. Dr. Ro grabbed the syringe from his arm and ran at the robot, letting out a scream from the rage. She swung at the robot with the syringe, tears streaming down her face. The robot caught her arm, before quickly disarming the scientist and shoved her into the door. She fell backwards and her head made contact with the doorway.

"You could have seriously hurt me, you know that?" That was the last thing the doctor heard before passing out.


"Once I woke up, I was surrounded by my colleagues. All of whom look like zombies. They followed her every command. I got chained to a bed and they put the mini bombs into my skin." She paused, before punching the counter to relieve some anger. "I got told that if I don't want to join my colleagues, I have to help in her plans."

"And what are they?" Mayonnaise asked. Dr. Ro turned away, face becoming pale as the sudden feeling of helplessness crept over her skin.

"Remember what I said I was designing before all of this?" Dr. Ro asked in a hushed tone.

"You don't mean-"

"Oh I mean Gene, I mean it. So," Her glazed eyes stared at the two, looking defeated, "What do you know about genetic cloning?"

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