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The paramedics arrive and the gang had Sky surrounded. Jazz had Sky's head in her lap, as tears streamed down her face. The uncertainty of her sister's life was messing with her head. The last conversation she had with her sister was an argument. Junior began to speak to the paramedics.

"Her name is Sky, she's pregnant with my baby. She's about 15 weeks pregnant. Um... while she was running, sh-she starting bleeding, and then she fainted" Junior said shakily.

"Thank you, sir, we're going to do all we can to help her" One of the medics assures Junior. The medics rush to Sky's side and pull Jazz away from Sky.

"No! I want to stay with my sister!" Jazz says hysterically.

"M'am we are here to help your sister. You'll be right here, you're not going anywhere" The medic assures her. The medics lift Sky off the ground, and onto the stretcher. They give her oxygen and rushed her to the truck. Everyone followed them to the ambulance. As they put Sky in the truck one of the medics states: "Only one of you can come".

Junior and Jazz look at each other. Junior motions for Jazz to get into the truck. Jazz nods graciously and proceeds to get into truck. Junior immediately runs to his car, to follow the truck to the hospital.


The whole gang was in the waiting room, waiting for new information. Sky's parents walk through the front doors and rush to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm Brenda. Skylar Forster's mom, my baby was rushed in here half an hour ago, and I'd like to see her" Brenda said to a lady at the front desk.

"Your daughter Skylar is still being looked at by our doctors, you can wait in the waiting room until we get an update" The lady kindly tells Brenda. Brenda looks over to the waiting room and makes eye contact with Jazz. She immediately walks over to her.

"Honey, what happened?" Brenda asked Jazz.

"Sky and I were racing, then she started bleeding from her vagina, and then she fainted" Jazz explained to her parents. Brenda's face went blank as she slowly sat down. "They haven't updated us, on anything yet so we don't know what's going on with her" Jazz finishes. Tears begin to stream down her mother's face, as well as worry. "Mom, don't cry. The paramedics said Sky is going to be fine. She will pull through" Jazz tried to reassure her.

"Sky will be fine physically, but the bleeding most likely means she having a miscarriage. She won't be okay mentally. Losing a child, that sticks with you" Brenda said

"She's having a miscarriage?" Junior asked

"She might be having one, that doesn't mean she's having one" Zoey tried to keep Junior calm. Rainbow and Ruby walk into the waiting room.

"Mom, Mrs. Forster is saying it's most likely a miscarriage. Is it?" Junior asked Bow.

"From what you explained on the phone, yeah it sounds like a miscarriage" Bow said, Junior sits down completely shattered. Zoey laid her head on his shoulder to comfort him.

The doctor walks into the waiting room, and everyone looked up at her. "Skylar Forster's family?" She called out, and everyone stood up. "Hi, I'm Dr. Jackson, I examined Skylar. Skylar was unconscious, came in with vaginal bleeding. We have since then diagnosed her with placenta previa, meaning the placenta is too close to her cervix. Which caused the bleeding. Sky fainted because she overheated from over-exercising. Do you know why she was exercising so much?" Dr. Jackson asked

"We're on the track team, so we're training right now" Jazz responded

"So the baby is okay?" Junior asked

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