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Zoey was sitting on Sky's bed, hanging out with Sky, and waiting for the baby to kick. "Why won't my niece kick for me?" Zoey whined. "She's kicked for everyone else, even Ana. And you don't even like Ana" Zoey complained.

"Hey! I don't, not like Ana. I just find her incredibly irritating. And she's not kicking because she's chilling right now" Sky explained as she took a bite of her burrito.

"She's always chilling. Make her unchill" Zoey whines

"You know, there is one thing you can do," Sky said

"What is it?" Zoey's face lit up.

"You can get me a slice of leftover cake from the fridge" Sky smiled as Zoey's face dropped. "But you're eating a burrito," Zoey said disgustedly

"Don't judge my food choices right now. I'm pregnant" Sky said Zoey rolled her eyes as she left Sky's room. 

Rodney had brought Sky a pink cake after finding out, Sky was having a girl. Rodney was upset that Sky found out the gender of the baby when he wasn't there because he wanted to throw her a gender reveal party, and make it this huge thing. Sky was low key grateful she found out when he wasn't there because she just does not feel like doing all that extra stuff. Sky has been feeling very overwhelmed by Rodney, and yes she is grateful that Rodney supports her and her pregnancy, but sometimes he does too much. Especially with how skeptical Sky is about her pregnancy, it's all too much.

Sky sat there in her bed, staring at her stomach. Thinking of what the counselor advised on how to bond with her baby. "Hi, baby girl" Sky started awkwardly. "I guess this is the first time I've talked to you directly." Sky continued unsure of what to say next to her baby. "You moved around a lot today" Sky rubbed her belly.

"Um. I want to bond with you. My counselor says talking to you will help. I feel like we should be bonded by now, but I guess it's going to take a little bit of work" Sky sighed.

"A little bit about me, your mom, is I am a track athlete. And a very good one. Your mommy misses being apart of the track team. I had a dream to be an Olympic track star. Now it most likely won't happen" Sky explained.

"I want you to know that how I've been feeling is not because I resent you. I know it's taken me some time to express feelings of joy when it's related to you, but I don't hate you. I deeply care for you so much. I blame myself for getting pregnant when I'm not ready" With Sky's hormones very high, she becomes overwhelmed with her emotions and she starts to cry.

"And baby, I am so scared. I act all tough and like I don't care on the outside, but on the inside I'm terrified. I have no business being a mother. You deserve a mom, who loves you straight off the bat. And it's taken me some time to get used to this because, in the beginning, I was in denial. This complication that I have brought me to reality about you, and it's been difficult. But I want you to know, I'm working through my feelings, I want to bond with you, and I love you. I promise before you come out to the world I will be ready" Sky confessed to her baby, and this was very emotional for Sky. But she's coming to terms with her pregnancy and realizing that she does love her baby. Sky wiped her tears and smiled. Zoey walked back into the room with two slices of the cake.

"Sky? Are you crying?" Zoey asked seeing Sky wipe her eyes. "Damn Sky, I came as fast as I could with the cake. There was no need for tears" Zoey said as she walked to the bed and hand Sky her plate of cake. Sky rolled her eyes.

"Thank you" Sky appreciated Zoey bringing her the slice. "You know, if you want to get her kicking, you should play some City Girls," Sky tells Zoey

"Don't tell me, you've been playing your baby the City Girls?" Zoey questioned

"Are you here to question my music taste? Or to feel a kick?" Sky asked wittily, Zoey quickly pulled out her phone and played some City Girls.

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