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Sky picked up Rodney 5 minutes after they hung up the phone. They were on the way to the hospital.

Rodney's adrenaline kicked in after his hand was smashed into the car door. So he was just acting, with the additional groans. But it seems Cameron definitely took his anger out on Rodney, with the car door. Because he slammed it hard as hell, and his hand looks worse than expected.

As he sat in Sky's passenger seat, he noticed Sky. She had freshly applied lip gloss, she smelled like coconut, meaning she was wearing her favorite perfume Coconut passion, and she was wearing her cute casual clothes, not her house clothes. Rodney concluded that she most definitely was going to see Junior tonight.

Sky was so worried about Rodney, his hand is badly mangled, it made her sick to even look at it. She was so glad she no longer had morning sickness because she definitely would've thrown up after seeing his hand.

"You got here really fast, I was sure it would've taken you longer, because once you're in your bed there's no bringing you out" Rodney started, and Sky was confused as to where he was going with this. "Plus you smell nice, and you're wearing nice clothes, were you going out?" Rodney asked directly. Sky was creeped out at how quickly he figured her out, but if he was asking, he already knew.

"Yeah, I was going out. I was going back over to Junior's place" Sky admitted

"Why?" Rodney asked for further explanation.

"We shouldn't be even be talking about this, you hand is hanging on by a thread" Sky deflected

"No, we're talking about this. Besides, it helps, not to think about the pain. It's a good distraction" Rodney explained. "So why are you going to see Junior?" Rodney asked

"Oh just to get back on the same page about the baby. Junior and I have been disconnected this past month, so we deemed it necessary to talk it out" Sky explained telling the truth, but not the whole truth of course.

"That's all?" Rodney asked

"Yeah, just two parents trying to get together to plan for our baby" Sky assured. Rodney nodded happy she told him the truth, and that he was right about what he saw.

"Well, now that I can see, you actually want to talk. How did you hurt your hand this bad? And what were you doing in an abandoned parking lot" Sky asked as to how this all happened, Rodney froze for 5 seconds because he didn't have an excuse for why he was in an abandoned parking lot. He had to think quickly.

Rodney started screaming, which startled and scared Sky.

"Ahh! What's going on? Are you okay?" Sky asked, scared.

"I wasn't feeling that much pain before, but I think the adrenaline wore off" Rodney muttered out through groans

"Don't worry, we're almost at the hospital" Sky reassured him


Rodney had to have emergency surgery for his hand because he ended up breaking several fingers in his "accident". After surgery, Rodney was still not awake. Now that he was out of the woods, Sky decided to make a dreadful call to Junior. She had texted him a brief text earlier, telling him she couldn't come over tonight.

Junior answered the phone. "Hey" Junior answered

"Hey, I just wanted to call you and tell you that I didn't mean to stand you up. Rodney got into an accident, and I had to take him to the hospital, which is where I am now" Sky explained

"Oh. Is everything alright? What happened?" Junior asked

"Honestly, I don't even know the details. But Rodney accidentally slammed the car door on his hand" Sky tells Junior

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