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It was Friday evening, and Junior and Cameron just finished their shift. They were walking to their car. Junior didn't talk much all week, Cameron could tell he was sick about Sky and Rodney's new relationship. Cameron told Rodney that Junior probably already knew that he (Rodney) and Sky are together. But Rodney still instructed Cameron to tell Junior that Rodney and Sky are boyfriend and girlfriend, as if he didn't know. Rodney wanted to rub salt into the wound. Cameron knew it would hurt Junior, but he listened.

"Junior, you have to stop beating yourself up" Cameron advises Junior as they head towards their cars. Junior didn't respond to Cameron.

"Come out with me tonight, and we won't go to the Campus Tavern that all of your sister's friends hang out at" Cameron suggested guilty that he made Junior feel worse today.

"Cam, I'm not in the mood to party. I just want to go home, and binge watch hours of meaningless television" Junior said as he walked closer to his car.

"Please, come out with me. If you go home, You'll spend the night sulking, thinking about the situation, and Sky on loop. But if you come out with me It'll be fun, and it'll take your mind off of her" Cameron says

"Fine, I'll only go with you, if you're buying" Junior said

"Done! Meet you at The Lounge in 2 hours" Cameron said with a smile.


Sky was sitting on the couch of her counselor, Ms. Parker, office. Since bed rest Sky had been seeing one of Cal U's counselors, Sky's track coach advised her to do so, especially after her traumatic incident. Aaron also advised Sky to go see a counselor, he told her that his Black Minds Matter event helped in hiring more diverse counselors for students.

Sky was hesitant to talk about her emotions to her counselor, but once she started it was like she was an open book. They had discussed Sky's feelings towards Jazz, their relationship as sisters, and how this pregnancy has affected them. Ms. Parker has helped Sky open up and say how she feels out loud.

"Ms. Parker, I hate being pregnant, and I know I shouldn't say that, but it's how I feel" Sky admits

"Many women hate their pregnancy, Sky, you are not alone in the way you feel" Ms. Parker assures Sky.

"But Sky, we've already established that fact" Ms. Parker laughed. "You associate being pregnant as the thing keeping you from pursuing your dream, of being an Olympic track star. Therefore, blocking you from bonding with your baby" Ms. Parker concluded

"Damn Doc, you're good. So do you have anything that could help with that" Sky asked

"You could try talking to your baby, because it can hear you. Maybe you can connect with it by rubbing your belly, responding to your baby's kicks, and/or play music to you baby" Ms. Parker suggests, Sky nodded. "Last time we were here, you talked about, and in your words not mine, your "mess of a love life". How's that going?" Ms. Parker asked

"Oh it's still messy. Rodney asked me to be his girlfriend-" Sky started

"Again?" Ms. Parker questioned seeing that it was a little soon after Sky had rejected his previous proposal

"Yeah, but this time I accepted. After he asked me, we shared our first kiss... from hell. It was so bad, and at first I thought it was because we weren't in sync, but I've come to the conclusion that it's just him" Sky winces at the memory of their kisses. "But then like an hour after he asked me out I kissed my baby daddy, but it was a goodbye kiss, because I had told him about my new relationship status" Sky informed her counselor.

"So let me get this straight. You accepted to be Rodney's girlfriend, just to make out with your baby's father right after?" The counselor reaffirmed, and Sky nodded her head. "You were right, it is messy"

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