History Repeated

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As soon as Amelia stumbled out of the club she was pulled roughly to the side by Lisa who's eye's were wild with fear. It hadn't gone unnoticed that the men in the club, who was terrorizing everyone, had called Amelia's name over the sound system.

"Was that-the Peaky Blinders?" Lisa spluttered, her hand still clutching on to Amelia's arms.

Amelia ignored her friends question and began looking around for Jessica. There seemed to be many crying woman waiting for taxi's in front of the building so Amelia began to move as she scanned the crowd.

It didn't take long until they found Jessica creating a make shift sling with a ladies scarf for a woman had had fallen over in the scramble to get out.

"What the hell happened in there?" Jessica asked as they began to make there way over to a waiting taxi.

"No idea but we need to get out of here and quickly" Amelia said before opening the door and pushing her friends in.

"Was that Tommy?" Lisa asked, rounding on Amelia once they where sat down.

Amelia squinted her eye's towards the driver before she spoke "I'll explain more at home. Now isn't the time"

Lisa nodded but wasn't sure why they couldn't discuss it on the drive home. Amelia, however knew that Tommy probably had his hands in many pockets and did not want to give anything away that could lead him back to her. 


Amelia paid the driver and rushed towards her door so that they could all get in. It didn't take long before heels had been thrown across the foyer and they made their way into the cosy sitting room.

"That was wild" Jessica breathed as she placed her legs on the sofa and began rubbing her feet. Amelia was too busy pouring them drinks as she tried to steady the rushing of thoughts after what she had witnessed. It had been three months and she was certain she was out of that life and she could begin to heal.

Life had a funny way of letting her heal.

"Amelia was that the man that you nearly married?" Lisa asked as she took her drink.

Amelia sighed, the gut wrenching feeling returning as she took her seat across from them "Yes but I have never.....I didn't know that man"

Jessica looked concerned for her friend especially as she knew how hard it had been on Amelia to settle back in without looking over her shoulder every five seconds. 

"They where slicing up men left right and center" Lisa breathed "One of them said your name"

Amelia cringed as she remembered Arthur murmuring her name through the sound system, just as shocked as she was to find them all in the same room again.

"I didn't hear that" she lied before sipping her drink.

"Do you think they're here for you?" Jessica asked.

"No!" Amelia said a little too quickly "Definitely not. It's probably business"

Jessica and Lisa both shared a look that she couldn't understand but she decided not to push it. Truthfully she didn't want to hear what they had to say. Returning to London had been difficult to say the least, many people, especially women had judged Amelia for her quick romance with the Birmingham Gangster, some even pitied her 'stupidity'

Men had taken more of an interest in here because they thought she was wild but she was pretty clear on brushing off any advances. The furthest thing from her mind was getting into a relationship.

"I hope for your sake Amelia that this is the final time you see them. They're nothing but trouble" Jessica said before placing her drink down and looking over towards her friend with worry.

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