An Invitation

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Tommy was silently fuming in his dark office at Arrow House. A cigarette in hand he began to become infuriated with the small parcel that had been left on his desk by his staff. It was the silver bracelet that he had picked out for Amelia's birthday only a week ago.

The return should of been expected but Tommy had hoped that the gift would break down a part of her barrier so that she would at least accept it. The truth was, that Tommy was naive to think that she could be bought with lavish gifts.

Tommy also wanted to make sure that she remembered him on her birthday, it was selfish but he knew that there wasn't much he could do when she had pushed him completely out.

Instead he was being advised of the dates that she was going on, how happy she seemed with her new life. Tommy knew deep down from the day he saw her at the train station she wasn't happy and she was as miserable as he was. The difference? she was trying to put him behind her. Tommy was trying to bring her back. Not a chance would he admit that he had made a mistake out loud so instead he made a choice to try.

To pull Tommy out of his trance like state Polly entered his office and pulled off her soaked cap.

"Pol" he greeted before swiping up the bracelet and shoving it into his draw.

Polly's keen eye had seen it as soon as she walked into his office but pretended she hadn't.

"Your brother hasn't the balls to ask you himself so he's sent me"

"Arthur?" he asked as he poured two whiskeys and slid one across to Polly. Polly took her seat and lit up a cigarette.

"Yes, he want's to invite Amelia to the wedding. Of course I said it had to be agreed by you" and she shrugged nonchalantly.

Tommy sat back and nodded. Arthur had recently proposed to Linda and they had both wanted to get married as soon as possible. Tommy had kept his opinions to himself on the fast engagement and wished his brother well.

Truthfully a wedding was the last thing the family needed but Linda had persuaded Arthur. Claimed that god was on there side and no trouble would come on their special day. Tommy had resented that.

"He can invite her Polly. There will be no trouble from me" and Tommy sipped on the whiskey in his hands.

Polly smirked a little as she watched his body stiffen from just the mention of her name. It had been as clear as day that the man before her was trying to conceal the guilt he felt.

The thought of Amelia being at his family gathering had sent his brain on a tangent. Even if she was invited would she even come? would she talk to him?


Three days later an invitation had been dropped on Amelia's doorstep from Arthur and Linda. The wedding was in three weeks time. A fast wedding even in Amelia's eyes. Instead of answering the invitation straight away Amelia decided to leave it, she didn't want to make a rash decision.

Instead she had gone on another date with John which had been good but Amelia was quickly realising that there was no spark there. John was a kind gentlemen but Amelia couldn't bring herself to open up to him.

Jessica and Lisa had tried to talk her out of attending Arthur's wedding but every time she brushed them off and argued that she hadn't accepted yet.

Today was her visit with Alfie Solomon's. On her entry to the warehouse she was checked by his security man and then told to go forward to the office.

Amelia listened to the sound of her own heels click as she made her way down the dark and narrow hallway. The closer she got, she quickly realised that Alfie had company, this had never happened on an appointment before and she suddenly began to feel apprehensive of moving forward.

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