Chapter 1, Izuku and Melissa

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sup guys,

Before i want to start this chapter, i want to note, that this chapter will be a bit differnt from other fics, normally it starts around Izuku, however this time the fic will start around Melissa, it'll change towards Izuku afterwards, but yeah just wanted to tell you guys about it beforehand

Melissa was a young blond girl, she was now 5 years old, normally everyone at the age of 4 can check at the hospital if they have a quirk, however Melissa and her Father David shield figured she might be a bit late to get her quirk, however when she was 5 and stil didn't have her quirk, she decided to see a docter anyway, however when the docter did his examination, she didn't get the answer she was looking for.

Melissa shield, was quirkless, there was just a small population of quirkless people, sadly she was one of them. The next day she went to school, she thought that maybe her friends could cheer her up. She walked into the class, but noticed she was already taking all the attention, she thought maybe her classmates had already heard about her being quirkless, but it was actually her expression that took everyone's attention.

She was normally very energetic, she mostly had a smile on her face and was Always cheerfull, however this time, she looked a bit sad, her smile was gone and was replaced by a bit of a frown, and her usually cheerfull attitude changed to a more silent and distant one. She also became a bit insecure about herself.

"Hey Melissa? what's up?" a red haired girl asked. "nothing, why do you ask?" Melissa asked. "You look like something happend, you can tell us you know, we are your friends!" a blond girl asked. Melissa looked around as if she was looking for something, like her motivation something that made her feel more secure. "I'm...quirkless" she stated.

"Wait what did you just say?" The redhead asked. "I said i'm quirkless" Melissa stated as tears formed in her eyes. "I wanted to become a hero just like everyone here, but i'm quirkless" she said. Her friends wanted to say something when the teacher walked in.

Class took longer then normal, or that's how Melissa felt. It was finnaly lunchbreak, Melissa actually felt relieved after telling her friends what was wrong, and she actually looked forward to seeing them again, however when she walked towards them, they looked at her with a dark and cold gaze.

She could feel something had changed but walked towards them anyways. "Hey guys, what's wrong?" she asked. "Why did you come here?" a brown haired girl asked. "Why? aren't we friends?" Melissa asked. "Why would we be friends with a quirkless little bitch" Another blond girl stated as she showed up.

"b...but i thought we were friends" Melissa stated with tears in her eyes. "Who would want to be friends with a failure like you!? Get lost!" the blond girl shouted. Melissa started to cry and quickly ran away. 'Why are they being so mean!? everything was fine this morning, is being quirkless really that bad!?' She thought while running away.

(For people wondering, the blond girl is basically like Bakugo was to Izuku)

Eventually after running for a long time, she arrived at a hill which looked over all of i-Island, the Island where she lived. "I don't get it, this morning they called me their friend, now they call me a failure, why do they have to be so mean" she stated silently even though no one could hear her, or so she thought.

"Are you alright?" She heard from behind her. She quickly turned around and a saw a small boy around her age, he had green hair, freckles and a plain face, however the plain face held something cute in it in her opinion.

"Not really" she stated sobbing as she then looked back towards the city. "Is it alright if i sit next to you?" the boy asked. "You want to sit next to a worthless quirkless failure?" Melissa asked a bit depressed. "Sure i'd love to" the boy stated which surprised her. He quickly ran next to her and sat down. "You may be quirkless, but you're not a worthless failure" he then stated with a smile as he looked towards the clear blue sky.

The Flaming Hero And The Scientist (Izuku x Melissa)Where stories live. Discover now