Chapter 13. Big Boss

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Everyone had split up and went their ways to defeat the villains while Izuku, Melissa and Eri were inside the tower trying to save i-Island, David shield and bring the system back online. Aizawa was together with class 1A as Vlad was with class 1B, All might and The big three were all going seperate, However there suddenly was a big explosion of flames on top of the tower which took everyone's attention.

"What was that?" Kaminari asked. "It's Izuku" Aizawa stated as he saw even more explosions of flames. "He's fighting the boss" he added in as everyone looked towards it again, everyone could see the multiple explosions of flames which was from his clashes with the villain.

Meanwhile at the fight.

Izuku and the villain had rushed towards each other as their fists clashed, Izuku's fist was covered in flames as the villain's hand was covered in metal. Izuku kept attacking as the villain blocked it, however this let of Explosions of fire.

"You've certainly become stronger, but if this is all you've got, you shouldn't have bothered coming here!" The villain shouted as he kicked Izuku in the gut to create a distance as he then placed his hand on the ground sending pillars of metal towards Izuku. Once the metal pillars arrived, Izuku was gone and appeared behind the villain. "If you think i'm the same as before then you are sadly mistaken" Izuku stated as he kicked the villain in the back.

Izuku then Grabbed David shield and laid him somewhere safe away from the battle as Izuku then quickly made his way back to the villain. "I have to admit, i didn't expect you to be that fast" the villain stated as he grabbed his neck and cracked it.

"But it's no use taking the professor to a safe distance, i'm not letting you escape again, and once i kill you the professor will work for me" The villain stated. "I wasn't planning on escaping again, i'm here to take i-Island back and to safe David shield" Izuku stated as he charged his flames in his hand. "Well you seem to be confident" the villain stated. "Not at all, i'm not confident that i can beat you" Izuku stated as he charged towards the villain as he threw a punch but was blocked by a metal wall. "however it's not a matter of can or can't anymore, i just have to beat you here and save everyone!" Izuku shouted as he suddenly blasted through the metal wall and punched the villain in the gut.

Suddenly while the villain was being pushed back, he placed his hand on the ground shooting atleast 5 metal pillars towards Izuku. Izuku quickly jumped back, but the pillars kept going for him, he ran towards them and jumped between the 5 pillars to get closer, however the moment he got closer, a sixth pillar shot towards Izuku hitting him in the face and launching him back. Izuku then placed his hand on the ground aswell.

"I can do that too" Izuku stated as 5 streams of fire shot towards the villain, however the villain quickly covered himself under the metal. The streams of fire crashed into the shield the villain created and destroyed it, once it was destroyed, Izuku also shot a sixth stream which grazed the villain's face leaving a scratch.

"this is a serious battle and you are treating this like a game? you've got cocky while getting that power, that will be your downfall" The villain stated. "keep believing that, i'm taking the very seriously" Izuku stated with a serious face as he placed his hand firmly on the ground and used his flames as suddenly flames shot from underneath the villain launching him up in the air. Izuku quickly jumped up, grabbed his leg and threw him back towards the tower and shot a giant fire ball after him, then right as he landed on the ground, the fire ball crashed onto him.

At that moment, Melissa, Rebecca and Eri got outside. "Melissa, Rebecca! i told you to go to a safe place!" Izuku stated as he quickly landed. Melissa then saw her father on the ground tied up. "DAD!" she shouted and ran towards him. "Why does she never listen" Izuku sighed. Melissa and Rebecca quickly untied David as he was relieved to be free and also to be with people dear to him.

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