Chapter 2. Saved!

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Izuku had just told Melissa that i-Island was being taken over by villains, aswell as David shield being taken away by them.

"What do you mean he got taken away?!" Melissa asked. "The villains captured him and took him away, i heard something about japan, however i'm not sure if he's there, maybe he's still there, but he could also be in japan, however if he really is in Japan, then that's good because that's where we are heading right now, however if he's still on i-Island then it's still a good call to leave" Izuku stated.

"Why did we have to leave there!? we could of stayed! we could hide there and get stronger then fight them!" Melissa stated very upset. "We're leaving because your dad told me to" Izuku stated. "What do you mean?" Melissa asked suprised. "I'll explain everything that happend" Izuku stated.

(alright guys, we'll be having a flashback now, however Izuku will be explaining to Melissa what happend, however since i decided not to tell what happend in the first chapter, i decided to make it a flashback)


Izuku was just done training his quirk, aswell as his own body, he tried to train his body so he didn't just have to rely on his quirk. He already buffed up quite a bit, he also had alot of strength, speed and Stamina, sometimes People thought his quirk was close combat and a fighting type quirk, however it really was a fire quirk.

Izuku decided to check up on David, he did that alot of times, just his usual training then checking up on the new inventions from David, he also knew Melissa would be coming there after school and he was wondering what she was going to make this time as she also invented quite some items already, some were mostly created for him, like gaurding lower arm braces, and fingerless gloves which had heat resistance.

She even created his hero suit for whenever he could use it, she Always holds it close in capsule that could shrink and expand whenever she touched a button. She just placed his hero suit in it and shrank the capsule so she could keep it close for whenever he could use it, he didn't know about it yet, however she wanted to give it to him as a gift when he started his hero training.

(He knew about the braces and gloves just not the whole hero suit, also the Picture above is his hero suit, however the braces on the arm are a little bit thicker, and his hands have fingerless gloves on them, and the thing over his butt and crotch ((i don't know how to call it)) will also be gone since i don't really it)

Izuku walked towards David's room, knocked and walked inside, however when he did, he saw David being tied up with a head wound. "Who are you guys and what did you do to the professor?" Izuku asked seriously as flames swirled around him.

"Ah, i see the brat is here aswell, it's a bit troublesome you found out about this, however we'll be sure to capture you, you know there is someone quite interested in you" The leader of the villains said. The leader had a iron mask which only showed his mouth and eyes, the rest was covered but Izuku noticed some skin as if he was burned.

There were a few more villains as 1 of them had changed his arm to something like a sword, it was sharp like a sword yet different. Suddenly there came alot more villains inside, as 1 of them turned into a brute and the other had alot of speed with big hands.

'What's with those guys?' Izuku thought. 'What do they need the professor for? although he made alot of good inventions, what is the point of kidnapping him like this? he won't be able to use the materials around here, but the biggest question is, how did they get in? and how were they able to move around without anyone noticing' Izuku thought as he got ready.

"Capture him, but try not to kill him, That Person helped us, now it's our turn to help him" The leader said. The person with sword arms launched at Izuku however Izuku managed to dodge, but then the brute showed up and Punched Izuku in the face, making him bounce back a little, Izuku shot his flames at close range to blow the brute away, When Izuku did this, he noticed the man with sword arms running at him, Izuku tried shooting fire at him, however the fast villain threw what seemed to be wind, however Izuku's flames then dissapeared , then appeared in the villain his hand for a second.

The Flaming Hero And The Scientist (Izuku x Melissa)Where stories live. Discover now