Chapter 4. League of villains, Nomu and USJ

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After Izuku's fight with Bakugo again. Everyone welcomed Izuku and Melissa to the dorm. They walked back to the dorm and sat with everyone else. "So Izuku, how did you and Melissa meet each other anyway?" Kaminari asked. Izuku looked at Melissa as she looked back.

"Well, i was already 1 year on the Island and i was in the same class as Melissa, even though she never saw me before when we first spoke, when she walked into the class that day, i noticed she was acting a bit off, during lunchbreak she got bullied because she was quirkless and she ran away, i followed her and we talked alot. That's when we started becoming friends" Izuku stated.

"so are you 2 just friends or more" Mina asked with a teasing grin. 'I'd wish we were more' They both thought. "no we're just friends" they both said in unison. However everyone could see something in both as if they wanted it to be more.

They noticed they liked each other, but they didn't know that about each other.

They talked some more before everyone then slowly went to bed for class next day. "So, what did you think?" Izuku asked as he laid in bed next to Melissa . "think about what?" Melissa asked "You know the class, and UA" he said. "And how was your class anyway?" Izuku asked.

"Well, i must say, UA is pretty good, they might not be as good as the academy at i-Island, but they are pretty close, as for your class, they are all nice people, except for that Bakugo, he's a jerk" Melissa stated as Izuku laughed. "And my class, well, at first everyone was a bit held back because of me being quirkless, but when they found out what i had invented so far and my recent idea, they all were amazed and everyone then accepted me right away. Specially a girl named Mei Hatsume, she was on about how my *babies* were amazing, it's a pretty weird way to name inventions" She explained.

"But she's pretty nice, and smart too, although her inventions usually explode" she added. "Sounds like a great class" Izuku stated. "Yeah, they accepted me more then the academy at i-Island, there i was Always the quirkless girl, but here i'm actually Melissa" she said. "I get what you mean, they accepted me straightaway aswell, something that didn't happen for 12 years on i-Island" Izuku stated.

"Well i'm glad to hear it" Melissa stated. "We should probably go to sleep, we've got more classes tomorrow" She stated. "You're right, and Melissa?" Izuku said. "Yeah?" "Thanks for the hero suit, it's really amazing" Izuku said with a smile before they both went to sleep.

The next morning, Izuku woke up first, however when he opened his eyes, he saw Melissa, however she wasn't laying next to him anymore, she was laying half on top of him, she had her arm and leg over his body, and her head laid on his shoulder. 'did she do this when she was still awake? or did she do this in her sleep?' Izuku thought.

Even though Izuku didn't know how it happend, he didn't dislike it, he actually liked having her so close like that, he felt warm, and he still felt comfortable with her like that, but he also fellt his love for her warming up again aswell.

Izuku really liked it, however he had to end the moment and wake her up, otherwise they would be late for school. "Hey Melissa? it's time to wake up" Izuku said as he placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her awake. "Hmmm just a few minutes" she said as her hand went to his neck and she held him tightly.

"We can't if we don't get up we'll be late for school, and on our second day aswell" Izuku stated as she opened her eyes. When she noticed she was laying on top of him she turned bright red. "Oh my god Izuku i'm so sorry" She quickly stated as she shot back to her own spot. "It's alright, i didn't mind, you seemed very comfortable like that, and if it helps you sleep any better then that's good" Izuku stated with a sweet smile.

'I love him so much i wish i could tell him, but what if he rejects me because i'm quirkless? no way, he won't ever do that because i'm quirkless, we became friends the moment i heard i was quirkless, but what if he does reject me because he doesn't love me aswell? what would happen to us? and our friendship' she thought. 'still it felt great sleeping with him like that, and he said he didn't mind, should i try it again tonight?' she thought.

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