Chapter 7. Izuku vs All might.

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A week had passed since the battle of UA, everything returned to normal, well apart from students challenging Izuku to see how strong they were and how they would fare against him. Nezu allowed those kind of sparring matches aslong as both agreed to it and if atleast 1 teacher was around.

So far Izuku has won all of his fights, Mirio did challenge him again aswell to fight 1 on 1, Izuku won however it wasn't easy since Mirio had amazing control of his quirk, and he slipped through most of Izuku's moves. In the end Izuku still won.

Now they were back in class as Aizawa was about to start his class with another announcement. "Listen up, next week, we'll be holding an exam, the details of the exam will be explained on the day itself, we expect all of you to pass. Further more, in 1 month, summer break will be around, but we decided to hold a training camp around that time, the people who don't pass the exam, will have to do alot of extra school work and training after everyone is done" Aizawa stated.

most people got worried about the exam as they didn't want to lose, however Izuku was just looking out of the window as Bakugo didn't really care, Tokoyami was just listening and Todoroki just stared at Aizawa as he almost fell asleep.

Class was then dismissed, Izuku had already dissapeared as some of the students looked towards his spot, ever since the battle for UA, Izuku has either been training or fighting students till dinner, they were getting a bit worried about him.

Uraraka, Iida, asui, Todoroki and Melissa walked trough the halls of Ua as they met Melissa a bit earlier. Suddenly they heard Izuku as they reached the teachers room. "Sir, may i ask what this exam is?" he asked. "Why do you want to know?" Aizawa asked. "Because if it's combat related, then i'd like to request something" Izuku stated.

Izuku's friends listened at the door. "Well, you're not too far off, we were going to make you students work together in ground beta to defeat the teachers, that way we can see how good you work together, and every students that gets taken down automatically fails" Aizawa explained.

"So what did you want to request then" Aizawa asked. "I'd like you to exclude me in that exam and give me another exam" Izuku stated as this shocked his friends. "And why is that?" Aizawa asked a bit surprised but curious.

"With the power and speed i got, i can easily make sure no one get's taken down, and also help beat the teachers, but that way they don't learn how to work together, and if i fight that battle together with them, they will depend too much on me instead of improving their own skills" Izuku stated.

"You make a good point, if we let you take part in that exam aswell they'll feel overconfident and will act recklessly knowing you will be there to back them up, so i'll allow it, as for the other exam, did you have something in mind?" Aizawa asked.

"as my exam i'd like to fight All might on full power, if i manage to win i pass, if i lose i fail" Izuku stated. "YOU WHAT!?" Mic and midnight asked surprised. "Are you really sure about that young Izuku?" All might himself asked. "I'm sure, i can work together aswell as solo, and i'll have to push myself more, fighting you at full power makes me see my own power and speed better, it will also show my strengths aswell as weaknesses, and you already have alot of experience in fighting battles at high power, i could maybe learn more from you" Izuku explained.

Aizawa then started thinking. "All might what do you think about this?" Aizawa asked. All might then looked towards Izuku. "If he's 100% sure he wants to do this then i'll accept his request" All might stated,. "Alright, you'll have the seperate exam then, i'll tell everyone about it when we'll have the exam." Aizawa stated.

"Alright, thankyou sir, also All might, i don't want you to hold back on me, i'll fight you at full power, so i want you to come at me with your full power aswell, i'll push myself and beat you" Izuku stated with a confident grin. "Alright young man" he stated with his own smile.

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