Chapter 3. Class 1A

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Izuku and Melissa had accepted the offer to stay in UA. Melissa was joining the other scientists, and Izuku was joining class 1A for hero training. However both of them would be sharing a room in the dorms for class 1A.

"So, when will we start joining classes and get into the dorm?" Izuku asked. "Tomorrow, i know it's rather sudden, however it might be better to let you join already instead of waiting till you are used to the place, if we wait you'll also be behind the others in terms of school work" Aizawa stated.

"So how much are we behind already?" Izuku asked. "Actually not that much, the school only started last week, so it's not such a big deal" Aizawa answered. "And when will we join the dorm?" Izuku asked. "I would say right away, however since it will be confusing if just walk in there saying you're a new classmate who will be staying there when they've never seen you in class before, so after school tomorrow Aizawa will bring you to the dorm and show you your room" Nezu explained.

"Well, i can understand that, i would be confused and uncomfortable aswell if someone just walked in saying they are a new classmate that would be staying with us" Melissa stated as Izuku nodded. "So where can we stay tonight then?" Melissa asked a bit uncomfortable. "The teachers dorm has a spare room, you can use that for tonight, it might be a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by teachers in 1 house, but it's just for 1 night" Nezu stated.

Izuku looked at Nezu as he studied the creature. "Is something the matter Izuku?" Nezu asked with a smile. "No nothing, i was just wondering, what exactly are you?" Izuku asked as Melissa started laughing because of Izuku. "I could be a bear or a mouse or a dog, but i'm the principal!" Nezu stated excitedly.

"Well... okay then" Izuku stated. It wasn't actually an answer but he just had to take the answer he got and deal with it. "How old are you kids?" Aizawa asked. "We're both 16" they stated in unison as they then had to laugh because of it.

"So, Melissa and Izuku, both 16." Nezu stated. "Melissa is quirkless, but that isn't a problem, she's a scientist" Aizawa stated as he and Nezu summed everything up. "Izuku you have a fire quirk right?" Aizawa asked. "I do" Izuku answered as he was curious what would be next.

"Are you feeling good enough to show me some of it? i would like to see how good you can control you're quirk aswell as see how strong you are" Aizawa stated. "Sure i would love to, i'm feeling fine enough" Izuku stated as he didn't feel any pain. "You sure? you've lost alot of energy" Melissa stated. "Yeah, i'm fine don't worry Melissa. I've been training alot back at the Island, specially when you were at school" Izuku stated with a smile.

"Melissa, may we also see some inventions you've made so far?" Nezu asked. "We're just interested to see what you've made so far" he added. She then pulled a small capsule out of her back pocket. "Well this capsule is one of them already, with just a push on the button i can make it go back to it's normal size, or shrink it to this size to keep it with me" Melissa stated as Aizawa and Nezu were obivously surprised. "That's actually pretty handy and smart" Aizawa stated.

"I've also created fingerless gloves with alot of heat resistance, mostly for Izuku's quirk, aswell as defencive braces for the lower arms, I made it for him to use on a hero suit, however it isn't only for him, anyone who wants to can use it, it's incredibly strong so he could even block a sword with it, aswell as rock, even steel" Melissa stated.

"What do you have inside the capsule?" Aizawa asked a bit curiously. "Well, it was supposed to be a secret for when Izuku would have hero trainings, however since he'll be starting, i can show it now, it's his hero suit" She stated as she opened the capsule and showed them.

(I know i've mentioned this in chapter 2, but since she shows it to them now i'll explain again, the picture above is his herosuit, the braces on his lower arm will be a bit thicker, he also has fingerless gloves, and the part on his crotch and ass will be gone ((still no idea what to call it)) since i don't like it that much)

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