Chapter 2 (edited)

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A/n: Oh look at that two chapters in the same day. This chapter will be longer I promise.

Y/n's pov:

"Stop thief"

The words rung through my head. THis was the first time I had gotten caught on accident trying to steal something. I immediatly activated my quirk giving me the speed boost I needed before running down the streets and through allyways while being chased down by heroes. I made sharp turns left and right before hiding somewhere in the shadows. Once I was sure I was safe I started making my way towards the abandoned warehouse or my so called "home". See I know what you're thinking. I could've just gone to a foster home. I could've but I didn't want to. Once I entered the warhouse i was immediatly engulfed into huge arms and restrained. I struggled but the person holding onto me was too stong. 'Who is this?! What's happening?!' 

Altough I stuggled I showed no signs of distress or any emotion in my face. I then started to feel sleepy as the smell of fresh flowers found their way into my nostirls. As much as I wanted to fight it I couldn't.  "We got her" was the last thing I heard before falling unconsious.

Time Skip brought to you by an angry pomeranian-

I woke up in a room surrounded by bright lights. I tried to get up but I was restricted. I looked around to see a few familiar faces. Eraserhead the underground hero, Midnight the r-rated hero, Endeavor the flame hero, and All Might. The number one pro hero. "What am I doing here?" I said. Venom dripped from my words as they came out a little more hostile than intended. A small animal like thing walked through the door. 'What the hell? What the fuck is that? A rat? Bear? Cat?'  Whatever it was it started talking in a gentle cheery tone.

"Ms.Furukawa Y/n. I'm Principal Nezu from U.A" It. Was. Sickeningly. Sweet. A confused expression crossed my face as I looked up at him. "I'm sorry what? Why would you guys want me here? What do you want? I'm not some villain if that's what you think." I said slowly my voice showing no emotion. "We're here to offer you a spot at U.A next school year." Nezu said in  a soft tone. "But why? I don't even have an education." I retorted back. "While that may be true" Eraserhead started. "We have seen your potential and want you to join our school" "And if I don't?" "Then we'll simply hand you over to the authorities."

To be honest, I was kind of scared. I didn't exactly want to join U.A but I wasn't too thrilled about the second option either. "Fine. But what about my living conditions? If you're going to stuff me in some stupid adoption center or stick me with a foster family you can fucking forget about that. There's no way in hell I'd ever go." I stated. "You won't be" the rat thing said. "You'll stay with Aizawa on school campus." "Aizawa?" I repeated confused "You know him better as Earaserhead" "Oh" I simply replied. "So what would I do for school in the mean time since I still have to wait a whole school year for U.A?" I asked. "You'll be doing homeschool with Endeavor and his son Shoto." Aizawa said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I wasn't exactly a huge fan of Endeavor. I thought he was most likely an ass off camera. "Whatever. Where's all my stuff?" "we threw it away and returned all the money you had stashed in that backpack of yours. We bought you new clothes we thought would match your personality that girls your age would most likely wear" Midnight said in her soft slick tone. "If it's anything pink I'm burning it. If there are dresses...those will be burned as well." I hated anything girly like dresses and the color pink.

Time Skip again because I'm lazyyy-

I arrived at my new "home" on the U.A campus shortly after they unrestrained me. "So..what does your quirk do?" I heard Aizawa ask

A/N: Ahh, here I am leaving you guys on a cliff hanger. This chapter was a bit longer and I hope you enjoyed it. Author Chan out.

Word count: 724 words

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