Chapter three (edited)

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Y/n's Pov

"Quirkss" I said correcting him. "It's quirks" "So what are your quirks?" he asked and yawned. 'Jeez how is this guy always so tired?'  "Well the first one is manifest. It allows me to gain any quirk I want just by thinking about it. The second one is glitch. It allows me to basically teleport. It leaves tiny purple specs whenever I use it so that's why it's called glitch. The final one is telekinesis. That one is pretty self explanatory. I can move things with my mind. I only have full control over manifest half control over telekinesis and no control over glitch. Anyway where will I be sleeping?" I asked wanting to change the subject away from my quirks. I hate talking about them. "First off. It's interesting you have three quirks. Most people only have one and the smallest percent of the population has two, so you must have mighty good genes. Second, your new room is the second door on the right upstairs." He said in a monotonous tone of voice. I quickly nodded and made my way upstairs to my room and set up the very few things I had.

Time Skip to the entrance exam because again I'm very lazy- 

Y/n's pov

It was the day of the entrance exam. Aizawa wanted to put me in through recommendation but I didn't want him to. I wanted to do this on my own. As I was standing by the gates waiting for the gates to open for the practical exam my palms started to sweat. I already knew what we would be doing but I was still pretty nervous even though they were going to let me in no matter what. The gates opened and I immediately ran through everyone. Being the first one out on the floor gave me quite the advantage. I started destroying robots left and right.

Soon Present Mic announced that there were only ten minutes left and the ground started to shake. 'That must be the zero pointer'  as the zero pointer got closer I realized there was a girl trapped under a rock. I ran over to her and lifted the rock off of her. 'Guess training with Aizawa really payed off'  I looked up to see a boy my age with green curly hair falling from the sky. He must've hit that one pointer. I ran over to where he was falling and caught him. His right arm and both legs were broken and purple. "Gross" I mumbled to myself. I then saw recovery girl walking to see who had injuries. "Recovery girl! This guys really hurt! His arms and legs are broken!" I said and carried him over to her before setting him down and walking way.

Later that day I went home. I've been living with Aizawa for a few months now. He handed me the letter. "Do I even need to look at this" I asked. "No not really. We already know you made it in anyway. But you can look at it if you'd like to" he said in his usual  monotonous voice that I've gotten pretty used to."I don't think I will" I said and went upstairs to my room. I then changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt and fell asleep.

Time skip to the first day of school-

Y/n's pov

See, Aizwa could have brought me to school with him. But no. Because he didn't want to raise suspision. I really think that was kind of stupid because I don't draw any type of special attention to myself. I'm the kind of girl nobody would go looking for. And I was fine with that. I didn't really like attention given to me anyway. I took a deep breath and stepped into the classroom. heads turned to look at me and the people started mumbling umong themsevles about me. "Who is that?" "I dunno." "I've never seen her before" "Was she even at the entrance exams?" "Did she get in by reccomendations?" "No she would've been on the reccomendation ballet." I rolled my eyes in annoyance at all the comments and sat in the back next to Shoto Todoroki. "Hey" he greeted. "Sup" I said. A green haired boy walked into the class room followed by a brown haired girl with pink cheeks. 'Human version of Kerby'  I thought to myself before they noticed me in the back. "You're the girl who saved me at the practical exam!" The green haired boy and the brown haired girl said in unison. "Damn, you've caught me. But yeah that's me." I then looked to the front to see a yellow sleeping bag with Aizawa in it.

"If you're just here to make friends you can pack up yout stuff now" he said. 'So does he just bring that with him everywhere he goes?'  "Welcome to U.A's hero course" he then slithered a hand out of his sleeping bag and took a sip of those weird apple sauce pouches he likes so much before standing up and getting out of his cocoon as I like to call it. "It took you eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that." he paused and looked around. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. You're teacher." Everyone looked shocked but I just kept my normal stoic face. "Well let's get to it." He held up a gym uniform I assumed he just pulled out of his ass. "Put these on and head outside." Everyone still looked confused while I got up and took a uniform before going to the girls locker room.

A/N: Ahh! Hello you've made it to the end of chapter three. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I've enjoyed writing. I'm sorry if it's kind of crappy or some things aren't grammatically correct it will get better I swear. After all this book is just for funzies anyway. Thanks for reading! Author Chan out!

word count: 10011 words

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