Chapter twelve

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Y/n's pov:

Time Skip to the end of the day~

The door after class was blocked by students from another class. "U-uh, why the heck are you all here?" Uraraka asked obviously surprised. "Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" "Why are you blocking our doorway? I WONT LET YOU HOLD US HOSTAGE!" "They're scouting the competition dummies." I said walking towards the doorway with the spiky blonde. "We are the class that survived a real villain attack after all." "Let's just hope he doesn't explode anyone and she doesn't scare anyone." "At least now you know what future pros look like. Now move out of my way, extras." I stated before Bakugo could even get the chance to. "YOU CANT WALK AROUND CALLING PEOPLE EXTRAS JUST BECAUSE YOU DOMT KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!"

A purple haired boy walked through the crowed. "So this is Class 1-a. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass." I growled not wanting to deal with this shit. I was tired and had a migraine. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or is it just you?" I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Bakugo growled and the rest waved there hands violently. "How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs." He has eye bags so I'm guessing it either had to do with his quirk or he was just extremely tired. "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such as life"

"Tch" 'I'm really not in the fucking mood'
"I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us into the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room." The kid said. I rolled my eyes knowing damn well they weren't gonna take me out. "That's nice sir but I have places to be, so if you'll excuse me," I pushed him out the way. "I'll be taking my leave." I said before walking away.

"She's so hot"

"Shut it grape fuck!" I said as I flipped him off. "Fucking pervert"

Time skip to the training because Laziness~

I groaned as Aizawa opened the curtains to my very dark bedroom. "Bro what is your deal?" "Training Y/n. Now get up" "whatever boomer" I grumbled before getting up and pushing him out my room. I changed into my uniform and headed to school.

We started training. I since I could basically have any quirk in the world along with my other two I was worked to the bone. I worked on speed, strength, healing, telekinesis, glitch, explosions, and a bunch of others, even one for all. Whatever Aizawa said I did. All types of quirks. Pain courses through my head as I felt a migraine coming on. I had to stay focused though. One little migraine wasn't going to stop me.

In and out of school I was training with Aizawa. My body ached at first but I got used to it. Now my body be all better.

Before I knew was the day of the sports festival.

I was getting ready and psyching myself up in the waiting room. "Aw, man. I was really hoping to wear my costume." Ashido said. "At least we're all gonna be in uniforms. It keeps it fair, right?" I responded attempting to make her shut up about it. "I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round." Sato said shaking with excitement. "No matter what they've prepared we must persevere." Tokoyami responded in his deep poetic-like voice. "Right!" Shoji agreed. Iida then burst through the door. "Everyone, get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!" "Swallowyourfearswallowyourfearswallowyourfear!" Mineta said panicking. "Mydoria.." Todoroki said as he went up to the broccoli boy. "Hey Todoroki. What's up?" We were all looking at them. "From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." I snorted a bit trying to contain my laughter. "Uh-um, yeah." "However, you've got All Might in your corner, helping you out." I snorted again covering my face with my hands. "I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two. But know that I will beat you" Todoroki finished and I snorted and started laughing quietly. "What's with all these declarations of war lately?" "Yah! What's the big deal? Why're you picking a fight all of a sudden? And right before we get started.." Kirishima said putting a hand on Todoroki's shoulder only for it to be shoved away. "We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget this isn't a team effort." I giggled. "It izz what it izz" I mumbled to myself. "Wait a sec, Todoroki." "Oop! Things are getting good!" I said to myself. "I don't know what's going through your head or why you think you'd need to tell me that you'll beat me. And, yeah, of course you're better than me." "Oh the sappy shit? Really?" I whispered and yawned. "In fact, you probably have way more potential than anyone in the hero course. That's why you got in so easily." "Midoriya, maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, and us." Kirishima said with a small smile. "No, he's right, you guys. All the other courses— they're coming for us with everything they've got." Mydoria started. "We're all gonna have to fight to stand out. And I'll be aiming for the top too." He finished and I snorted again. I don't know why serious shit is always so funny to me but it is. "Fine." Todoroki replied a scowl froming across his face. I clicked my tongue and snorted again. 'Don't do it girl it isn't worth it. Don't laugh'

"HEY!!!" Present Mic's voice and the cheers of the crowd could be heard. I don't know why but I was kinda nervous. "MAKE SOME NOISE, ALL YOU RABID SPORTS FANS! GET THOSE CAMERAS PREPPED, MEDIA HORDES! TGIS YEAR WE'RE BRINGING YOU SOME OF THE HOTTEST PERFORMANCES IN SPORTS FESTIVAL HISTORY, GUARANTEED!!" Present Mic said out to the crowd. My headache already starting and I haven't used my quirk all day. "IVE ONLY GOT ONE QUESTION BEFORE WE START THE SHOW....ARE YOU READY?" We began walking out fo the field. Or the dome? I don't know. "LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM AS OUR STUDENTS MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE STAGE!" I stepped foot onto the grass and was met with bright lights. 'Aizawa...I'm not gonna let you down' Determination painted my face. We formed a group in front of the stage I wasn't very fond of the crowds. Besides present mic made us seem unstoppable or something. Then the rest of the classes were introduced.

Midnight cracked her whip "Now, the introductory speech!" Most of the boys were blushing and to be honest I was too. It was kinda embarrassing but...I don't even know. "Uh, someone should talk to Ms.Midnight about what she's wearing.." Kirishima said to Kaminari. "Yeah. That costume should come with a warning." "Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?"

"Silence, everyone!" Crack. "And for the student pledge we'll have. Katsuki Bakugo!" He walked up to the stage and stood in front of the microphone. "He's the first-year rep?" "I guess that hot-head did finish second in the entrance exams."

The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "I just wanna say..I'm gonna win."

Iida ran up to the stage and did those hand movements. "WHY WOULD YOU BE SO DISRESPECTFUL? YOU'RE REPRESENTING US AT ALL!" "Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory." Bakugo said giving a thumbs down to the crowd. "IM GONNA CRUSH THIS OVERCONFIDENT JERK! I CANT WAIT TO KNOCK HIM DOWN TO SIZE!" The TetsuTetsu...I think..? Kid said.  Bakugo walked back into the crowd and I smack his head as hard as I could making him stumble a bit. "OW YOU HAG! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE A DUMB BITCH THAT'S WHY! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT" I was furious.

"Without further ado, its time for us to get started!"

A/n: hello! You've made it to the end. I hope you enjoyed!
-Author chan

Word count: 1,428

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