Learning about the Past

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Makarov's POV

We all walked into my office and Bella sat down. Her face was void of all emotion. She stared at the ground as we all sat down. I was worried about her for she was never like this growing up. Laxus sat down next to her and placed his arm on her shoulders.

"You have to promise me something before I tell this story." She said as her eyes locked with mine

"What?" I asked

Bella's light returned to her eyes.

"I promise you that everything I say is true and you have to trust me. If you don't, you can go into my brain and watch it yourself." She said

I was shocked at this as was Laxus, but we soon nodded.

"Yes," I said

Bella then looked at Laxus and he nodded. She nodded back as turned to me.

"It all started a few days before my 16th birthday. Ivan became very hostile towards mom and I. Asking mother if he would ever tech him the ice dragon slayer magic. Every day she said no, that he was too weak to wheeled the power of a dragon. Then came my birthday." Bella said as tears fell from her eyes

Laxus rubbed her back as she started to sod.

Wow, she's been through so much.

"The day was going great, but then the gift-giving time came. Mother gave me this crystal and then." Bella said and her eyes stopped crying

Her face voided of emotion as her eyes fell to the ground.

"What my dear?" I asked

Her eyes returned to mine as I saw so much pain from years of torture.

"Then he killed her." She said

What! He killed her!

Laxus looked shocked and he turned to me.

"The sword killed her in one hit. Right through her heart, blood, oh god, it went everywhere. Then." Bella said 

Then the air grew colder than before and Bella's hair started to try to ice. I stood up, causing her to look at me. She then sighed as her hair returned to normal as she stood up.

"I'll be heading home,"  She said as she turned to the door

Bella then turned, walked out of the office and down the hall. I turned and walked to my window. As I did, I heard another set of footsteps walk out of my office. 

He went to stop her.

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes.

Laxus when are you going to learn?

"Makarov, are you alright?" Mirajane asked 

I turned to her. She had a weak smile as she held her hand in front of her body. I nodded and she tilled her head.

"How is Bella?" Mirajane asked

I sighed as I shook my head, rubbing my mustache. 

"She not doing great. The death of her mother is still weighing heavy in her mind." I said 

I don't want to lie but I don't think Bella would like me telling the whole story right off the bat.

"Oh, okay." She said with a large amount of surprise 

"Mirajane you can go back to work and make sure Natsu and Gray don't break the whole place," I said 

This was true. Natsu and Gray were trouble-makers.

"Okay, would you like me to send Laxus back when he comes back?" She asked 

I shook my head no and waved my hand.

"No, because he's not ready," I said 

Mirajane nodded, turning to leave the room. Then she left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

Laxus wouldn't ever be ready to lead the guild. The best bet is Bella but I don't think she would be coming to the guild anytime soon. She is still healing, but she'll come around in her own time.

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