Healing in a Time of Pain

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Bella's POV

Two years had passed since that day and I still had pain. I had watched my mother died right in front of me. The sword stabbing through her body, her blood spraying, her eyes, oh god, her eyes. She died in my arms and he just sat there with a smile. Oh god, I hate him! I guess this isn't all bad, I get to spend my time with Leo. He's been a large help to healing over this whole thing but he's been having his own problems with Karen.

I was sitting in the guildhall, at the bar, with Bob behind the bar, and Karen had just brought a large group of men into the guild. 

"I'm sorry boys, I have an appointment at the salon this afternoon. Why don't you come back tomorrow?" Karen said to the group of guys

Then I heard some of the other girls in the guild started to talk trash about her. Bob then turned to her as he cleaned a glass.

"Oh, Karen my dear, you've got quite the following, don't you?" Bob said 

It's a large following, all wanting to fuck her.

"I don't have time for this." Karen scoffed as she raised her gold ram key. "Open gate of the golden ram, Aries!" 

Then pop came Aries thought her gate. She looked cute as she normally does.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Did you summon me?" She asked in her normal shy tone

I can't believe Karen has such a nice spirit.

Then all the men started to get giddy as they stared at her huge rack.

Those men are disgusting towards poor Aries. She doesn't need any of this.

"Look, I gotta run. So will you entertain these gentlemen for me?" Karen demanded

Here she goes again! Why can't see do her own dirty work?!

"No, not that again! Do I have to?" Aries asked quickly 

Then I heard some of the men start to flirt with her.

This makes me sick that she does this. Aries is not a tool, she is a person just like Karen, but does she care, no!

"I'm sorry, but I'm a celestial spirit! I'm not cut out for this kind of thing." She said 

Aries started to stand her ground.

Good job girl. Stand up for yourself 

"You're not refusing to follow orders, are you?" Karen asked in an evil tone

Terror filled Aries's body as she turned to Karen. Shock filling my body as I saw this. 

"No, of course not, ma'am!" She said quickly 

Then Karen smiled and left.

"Alright boys, bye!" She said 

The door closed and the boy started to circle her.

"Oh, hell no," I said as I stood up

I wasn't going to let Karen take advantage of Aries. She didn't want any of this and I'm not going to sit here and watch.

I stomp my foot on the ground and ice came from my foot. Covering the ground around Aries, the boys fell to the ground. She looked at me and I nodded.

"Now boys, I don't want to hurt you but I will if need be," I said as I walked closer, making a blade in my hand out of ice 

The boys stared at me with terror, eyes locked on my ice blade.

"So, you guys are going to left Aries alone and not tell Karen, because if you do. I will find you and I will hurt you." I said, swiping the ice blade in front of me neck, showing that I would kill them

The boys gulped and nodded.

"Good!" I said as the ice melted on the ground 

Then the boys got up and they left. I walked up to Aries and she quickly hugged me.

"Thank you so much! I don't like do that!" She said 

I smiled as I hugged her back.

"Of course, anything for a friend," I said 

She pulled away, looking at me. I nodded as I waved

"Say hi for Leo for me!" I said

"Will do!" She said as she puffed away

I sighed as I walked back to the bar. Bob raised an eyebrow at me as I rubbed my eyes.

I should tell him. He'll be able to help.

"Bob, I have to tell you something," I said

Bob looked at me with worry.

"What's wrong?" He asked 

I sighed before telling him that Karen has been misusing her spirits. She uses Aries as a shield when she goes against other wizards. That she uses Aries and Leo as tools. As I spoke, I felt my anger boil inside my body, but anger was clear as day on his face.

"Oh, thank you for this information. I will have a talk with her later today." He said 

I nodded, looking over at the clock. It was close to me leaving for a job, causing me to stand up/

"Well, I will be back later but I have a job to do," I said as I headed to the door

"Alright, be safe!" Bob yelled

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