Remembering the Past

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Just to let you know, the first two chapter are pretty bad. But bare with me okay? The chapters get better. I promise.

My life has been great so far, so many fun memories. All these adventures, all these memories that makes me who I am. But I feel apart of me is lost. Somewhere in my there is a time that I can't remember... oh what was it?
Third Person View

Rainbow: Hey Funneh?

Funneh looked up from her phone.

Funneh: What?

Rainbow: Can you help me clean the attic?

Funneh (annoyed): Why don't you ask Gold?

Rainbow: Because your doing nothing right now

Funneh:*sigh* FINNNNNEEEEE!

Rainbow: YAY!

Funneh followed Rainbow up into the attic. The attic was an hideous mess full of cobwebs, boxes on boxes of junk, and even old potato chip bags.

Funneh (disgusted tone): God this place is a dump!

Rainbow (cheerful): Yeah... so we better get cleaning.


After a few boxes Funneh found something interesting... It was a blue hoodie! Written on it was and band called "Ocean Metal"

Funneh's POV: This band seems so familiar... but yet I've never heard of it. It's a nice hoodie tho...

She slipped the hoodie on. In a way, it felt like she has reunited with an old friend.

 In a way, it felt like she has reunited with an old friend

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Author's note
Pls continue reading my story.
It gets better I promise.

Sorry if this is trash.
(Like I'm REALLY sorry)
P.S. if u wanna know what the hoodie represents is the couple hoodie that Alec and Funneh got oh their first date (episode 32 s2)

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