Who am I

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The video above this note has nothing to do with the story. It's just my favorite musical. And it has the same name. (P.S. This movie is PG-13, the video doesn't have any inappropriate parts in it. I'm just letting you know for any young readers out there)

Kyran's POV

I was checking out the island with Gold until she noticed the taco stand.


Kyran: Sounds really good!

She ran to the taco stand to order.

I was watching her from a distance until someone poked my shoulder.

"You like her don't you"

I turned my head around to see a guy with green eyes and white hair.

Kyran: Hi...who are you?


Kyran: Hi Travis, I'm Kyran.

Travis: Hey Kyran. So can u answer my question?

I blushed.

Kyran: O-oh....well.....umm.....

Travis gave me a sly look.

Travis: I know that look. You obviously like her.

Kyran: N-NO! I mean....yea

Travis: Does she like you?

Kyran: I don't know...

Travis tone became less of joke.

Travis: Yea...I understand. I like this girl named Katelyn since high school but I don't know if she feels the same for me.

Kyran: But aren't you guys dating?

Travis: We are "dating". My dad is on the island and I told him...that I was dating her.

Kyran: oof. Bad lie.

Travis: I KNOW! Its my chance to even get any closer to Katelyn. This is the way. (Star Wars quote😏😏😏 for any Star Wars fans out there)

Kyran: Yea I-

Gold: Got the tacos!

She was slowly walking towards me. Then Travis whispered to me;

Travis: I got you.

He bumped into Gold.

Travis: So sorry!

And he ran off to a place where he can watch.

Gold: People here are crazy! Always running.

Then she looked down at the taco.

Gold: Sorry Kyran, because that guy bumped into me, I dropped the other one. But we can share!

I blushed.

Kyran: W-wha?

It was kinda awkward sharing it, but it was kinda romantic too.

I looked over at Travis he gave me a wink and the "Ok" sigh.


Kyran: Thanks Travis.

Travis: Hey I always happy to help!

Travis: Maybe I can help you get your girl.

Kyran: Really?

(Part 2 will be coming out sometime soon)

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