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Kyran's POV

I was on the phone talking to Gold until I heard Funneh screamed Valerie's name. I was still on the call but I wasn't listening to what they where talking about.

Gold... it's been six years since I've seen her. I just finished collage and I was rooming with Alec while he finished his last year of college. I still can't help my feelings for her. Yes I did date some other girls after Gold and Funneh left Yandere High, but I still can't help feeling that she is the one.

For quite sometime, I was mad at Gold for misjudging me for hurting Funneh, and I was the reason she lost her memory but when I heard her voice, how can I stay mad at her.
We were going to go back to the school after the Zombie apocalypse project thing but Funneh wanted to go back inside the house to get something. Gold didn't want her to after that weird hallucination of Valerie's dorm but Funneh insists. I told Gold that I will go in with her. Yandere didn't want Funneh to go. I can understand why but she went with us anyways.

I walked into the house and I saw Funneh reaching under the dresser. I asked her what she was doing, she said "I want the picture. Maybe put it a scrapbook or somethin." "Okay" I replied. Then heard a sound behind me so I turned my head around. Next thing I knew was Funneh lying on the floor! I ran into the room to see if she was okay. Then I heard a voice and it said "What have you done..." I turn my head around to see Yandere mortified.

Kyran: "W-wha?"


I was worried about Funneh but I was especially worried about Gold. She looked so scared of what happened. She was scared of me and what she thought I did. How can I ever face her.

Later, I texted her to ask if Funneh is okay. She replied with this: "Funneh is suffering with amnesia because of how hard you have hit her... We are going back to Canada. We aren't coming back to Yandere High ever. And I think it is best for us not to speak with each other for awhile."

This message broke my heart. All my hopes for being with Gold has gone down the drain even though the chances was slim anyways. I was at my dorm when Gold texted me. So I slowly walked up my stairs, closed the my door, flopped on my bed to cry and never see the light of day again. That day I have decided that I will NEVER be so soft and too scared to stand up for myself to tell the truth. But because of my flaw, I have already lost everything.

That day, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to get it. I was too sad and depressed to get it. What the reason I live if everything I loved in my life is gone. The person knocked harder.


I opened the door and surprisingly it was Alec.

Kyran: What do you what? Are you here to make me feel more miserable?

Alec: Actually no...

Kyran: Then what? Tell me so I can go back into my depression hole of emptiness.

Alec: I believe you. I believe you didn't hurt Funneh.

I was surprised. I thought he was going to beat me up because everyone thinks IM the one that sent her to the hospital.

Kyran: Why?

Alec: Because... I do.

That wasn't a great answer...but I need some sympathy right now. So I let him in.


I snapped back into reality just in time to hear Gold tell me,

Gold: Kyran? Can you come over?

I smiled a little. At least I know I'm still wanted.

YAY CHAPTER 6 MY LONGEST CHAPTER!! This chapter was very fun to write so I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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