Who am I? (Part 2)

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Travis's POV

Its been a few weeks since Kyran and his friends arrived here. It's been a blast! Katelyn, Gold, Kyran,  and me have been hanging out around the island. Also Kyran and his friends got to know our group! Which is pretty cool. I can tell Aaron is edge with all of them, but I can understand but Kyran is such a good guy, I want him to be happy. I want to try to give him a chance with Gold.

Kyran: Hey Travis!

Travis: Heeeeeyyyy Kyran!

Kyran: Whatcha doin?

Travis: Nothing much, how's you and Gold? Did you ask her out?

Kyran looked really sad when I said that. I guess it didn't go well.

Travis: Hey its okay! I can always find my ways to get you both on a date.

Kyran: I gotta do it myself someday. Not always depending on other people to do it for me.

Travis: I get ya.

Kyran: I wish I have the courage like you.

That made me to think, what if I can train Kyran to be more bold. Be the man that Gold wants him to be.

Travis: Hey! What if I can teach you to be more...you know...Gold's type.

Kyran: Really!

Travis: Yeah sure!

Kyran: Alright then, lets get started!


Training Kyran was tough but I think that he's ready!

Kyran: Do you think I can do it?

Travis: Pshhhh! Lookin like that! Of course she would fall for you!

Kyran was wearing something what Aaron would wear. If Aphmau thinks it's good, so do I.

Kyran: Okay...

Kyran's POV

The sun was setting, the glimmer of the ocean reminded me of when I first saw Gold and got lost in her eyes. She was staring at the sun setting on the horizon. Her golden locks was blowing in the wind. What elegance, what beauty.

What am I? A boy who watches too much anime, and never knows how to talk. Always afraid to do anything. I looked down at what I'm wearing. The real question is Who am I? I'm just trying to be someone I'm not. I walked back into our hotel room and started to change back in my clothes. If she falls in love with me wearing this, and acting like that, I'm not me. How can I live if I just lie to Gold about who I am. Looked into the mirror to reflect my past.

Six years ago, I did the same thing, I acted a different way trying to impress Gold. What am I doing!?

I took a deep breath.

If she wont like me as myself then...she's no a person...I should waste my time liking.

I started to tear up just hearing me say it. I brushed away the tear that was about to fall and went to the balcony where Gold is.

Kyran: H-hey Gold?

Gold: What's up?

Kyran: D-do you wanna go out with me? L-like a date?

I closed my eyes really hard bracing for her rejection. She said nothing. I opened one eye to see her reaction and saw a smile on her face. I swear she was blushing but I don't want to get my hopes up.

Gold: Kyran...I would love to.

I would love to

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If you ever feel like you need to change who you are for someone to like you friends, crushes, etc. I just tell you... Just be YOU.  There is no one like you and that's what makes you special. If they don't like who you are, then there is no need to waste your time trying to impress them. Just be who you are. Be yourself.

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