Welcome to Ichigo Bakery and Café

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Funneh's POV

We made it to Ichigo Bakery! Wow I haven't seen Megan in years! I bet Kyran is thrilled. We walked in to the Bakery.

Megan: Welcome to Ichigo Bakery and Café... KYRAN YOU CAME BACK! OH LET ME GET YOU A TABLE!

She sat all of us down at a big table. Then Megan disappeared into her kitchen and she came out with a big tray of chicken zosui. Then Megan sat down next to Kyran. She was going gaga over Kyran. Evan was stuffing his face with Chicken Zosui.

Funneh: So Valerie sent us here.

Megan: OH VALERIE! I've recently talked to her!

I've remember long time ago she was talking about Valerie and how she talks to her all the time. I guess she was right after all.

Funneh: So what did she say?

Megan: She said that you must find her murderer at this place called Starlight Wonderland. And meet a girl named Arfmeow? Ofemow? I don't know. But she said that it is better to not bring your family Funneh it's too dangerous. OH! Such a sweet girl! Always thinking about family!

Funneh: Starlight Wonderland... Anything else?

Megan: One more thing... oh what is it? Oh! Make sure to ask Arfmeow about a high school called Phenoix Drop High. That's it!

She turned to Kyran.

Megan: So how is the Chicken Zosui my hunk of toasty bread.

Kyran: Good... Ummm I think we should go.

Rainbow: Yeah its getting late...

Gold: Thank you Megan for the food and information!

Gold payed for the food.

Megan: ITS ON THE HOUSE! For my hunk of toasty bread.

Kyran: Thanks...

Megan: Also! Here are some tickets. Valerie gave then to me!

She handed me and envelope, I opened it.

Funneh: Three tickets back to Canada, and five to Starlight wonderland... I guess we have to separate.

Gold came over to me and looked at the tickets.

Gold: Our flight is tonight. We don't have much time to pack.


We said our goodbyes to Rainbow, Draco, and Lunar, we went our separate ways. Now we head off to Starlight wonderland to find the truth.

"Arfmeow, hopefully you have the answers."



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