Alright, let's begin.

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Gold's POV

Soon after Alec told us that he was going to get Funneh, he walked out with her and Evan?! I was shocked. What are the odds!? Then Funneh started to introduce Even to our group,

Funneh: Even this is Rainbow,

Rainbow: Hi!

Funneh: Lunar,

Lunar: Hey.

Funneh: Draco,

Draco nod.

Funneh: And remember Kyran and Gold?

Evan: Sure I do!

Evan playfully punched Kyran in the shoulder.

Kyran: Ow...

Then I saw Kyran look at me.

Kyran: I mean...hehe

At least I know that he hasn't changed that much.

I looked at my phone and saw how late it was.

Gold: Oh! We should be get going soon.

Evan: Aww... but I just came!

Kyran: Hey you can stay with us!

Evan: Really! Wow thanks Kyran!

Draco: Hey I got an uber for us all. You guys better hurry they are coming soon.

Rainbow: Okay!


Kyran's POV

We finally made it to my family's farm. And we were greeted by my mom.


Kyran: Mom, I visited you like a month ago. ._.


Kyran: *sigh*

Mom: KYBEAR! You've told me you've brought your friends!

Kyran: Mom, you remember Funneh & Gold & Alec.

Mom: How can I forget!

Kyran: And this is Gold's siblings Lunar, Rainbow, Draco.

Mom: Pleasure to meet you.

Kyran: And this is Evan.

Mom: Hello! Wow such a plesure to meet all of you! Now Kyran, give your Mother a hug before I finish dinner!

I hugged my mom, and then she ran inside the house.

The next day, we set fourth of our journey of the murder of Valerie Maki.

Yandere High, so sad that it closed. We couldn't check out the school because it was locked so we checked out Valerie's dorm.

Kyran: This hole place is burnt to a crisp.

Gold: Yea...

I know Gold was sad about Valerie so I went over to her an rubbed her back.

Kyran: You okay.

Gold look at me strait in the eye.

Gold: I just can't believe that she was gone.

Funneh: Lets go in.

There was nothing really there except her kitchen and a book. I went over and looked at the book and it said diary on the cover. I opened the book and flipped through every page. Until the last page,

Kyran: Hey guys you've gotta see this.

Everyone crowded around. I gave the book to Rainbow to read out loud.

Rainbow: "Last day of School, I can't wait! Soon I will be at the party with my good friends Gold and Funneh."

Gold looked like she was about to cry.

Rainbow: "Also im really excited to spend more time with Senpai. Also I have befriended Yandere Chan. She is such a sweet girl! Hopefully I can try to get Gold and Kyran together.

I blushed a lot. Gold looked embarrassed.

Rainbow: That's weird...

Evan: Gold and Kyran?

Rainbow: No look!

I saw in her diary that it looked like someone else's writing: Hah she too trustworthy. That's what you get for taking what's mine...

Draco: What's hers?

Funneh: I don't know...

Rainbow placed the book down. We all started to head out. Then a piece of paper flew by my face.

Kyran: huh?

I looked up and saw Valerie in the garden. She waved to me and pointed to the paper. I looked at it and picked it up then looked back at the garden. She was gone.

Alec: Are you okay Ky?

Kyran: I saw Valerie...

Alec: Where?
He looked around.

Kyran: She gave me this...

I opened the piece of paper...


Gold rushed to me and looked at the paper in my had that says,
"Go to Ichigo Bakery and Café she will tell her where to go.

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