When I was Young.

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Evan's POV

Yandere: Move or you die. You may not even survive you past anyways.

I was afraid for what lies a head...

"Evan..." Called out a soothing voice.


Evan: Mom?

I was following he voice to the first door of the long hallway. I opened it. 

There I saw was my mom and my dad. They were such a happy family. My mom, was such a nice woman. A nice smile, bright green eyes that shine, and a great sense of humor. She reminded me of...Funneh. Funneh had a nice smile, bright blue eyes that shine, and she's really funny. Meeting her felt like...seeing my mom again. 

"Evan...come here sweetie" She called

"Come here champ!" Said my father

Coming from my old room I saw younger me running to them, then giving them a hug. 

I teared up at this moment, for I know the tragedy that occurs soon after. I heard a window break, 

Mom: I'll go see what it is.

Then my dad turned to younger me and said:

Dad: Go to your room Evan, we'll get you soon. 

I saw my little self running to my room to seek for shelter. I followed him. 

I opened my old bedroom door to see the light green wallpaper, my little bed that sits next to the window. I saw little Evan hiding under his bed, scared out of his life. Then I heard a scream. 

Young Evan emerged out from his hiding spot, and found his mother, my mother laying dead on the floor. My father nowhere in sight. My mom was stabbed with a knife. Young Evan started to tremble and he said;


I found myself saying the same lines of a boy who has lost everything, "dont leave me, I need you." 

I couldn't bear to watch the rest, I was looking for my way out until I felt a tap on my shoulder... I turned my head to see the pink haired girl that died many years ago.

Valerie: "Come with me, for you should know the truth."

She reached out her hand, I grabbed it. The background of my old house began to melt into a pure darkness. Valerie turned to me and said, "Remember, for this events you're about to see are true. The truth can hurt."

She let go of my hand and disappeared. It was just me in the black room, until I heard footsteps...walking toward me was a man. I squinted to see who he was, IT WAS MY DAD?!? He looked frightened, our eyes locked and he ran toward me.


He was running closer to me then stopped. So I ran to him. My father stopped because there was cuffs on his hands. He was chained onto the floor. 

"Ah, so this is my step son..."

A shadow emerged from behind him. 


I got a better view of this woman, she looked a lot like Yandere...

"But he is, we said our vows, we said "i do" so he's technically mine"

Then I saw another figure emerge behind my dad.

"Oh" said the woman "You already have met her, but I will like a more formal introduction."

She pointed at the other shadow.

"This is your half-sister...Yandere"

Evan I was shocked, I was mortified. She MADE my dad marry her...

I yelled "NO" 

I was looking for an exit, I saw a door appear, I ran to it and open and closed it as fast as I could. I was back, in the Hall of Memories.


Thank you all for over 700 reads! It means a lot to me!

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