The Sarifices he Makes

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Kyran's POV

Something was up with Funneh and Alec. They usually talk to each other all the time, but it seems Funneh is ignoring him. So I went to Alec to see what's happening between the two.

Kyran: Hey Alec.

Alec: hi.

Kyran: Are you okay?

Alec: Yeah sure "totally" fine.
He said with a sarcastic tone.

Kyran: Tell me. What happened?

Alec: Yandere happened.

I stopped at the sound of that wicked name.

Kyran: I think we should talk outside...

Gold's POV

Funneh seems off. She's always talking about things, but ever since she came back, she's silent as a mouse.

Gold: Funneh are You okay?

Funneh: Yep

Gold: No you are not.

Funneh: I'm okay.

I shook my head in disagreement.

Gold: No you are not.


She started to break down. Tears was rolling down her rosy cheeks. She started to talk to me, but all that came out was just jumbled up words. All I hear from the nonsense that was coming out from her mouth was "Alec and Yandere...killed...." 

Gold: Killed what?

Funneh uses the sleeve of her top to wipe away her tears.


Everyone stopped.

Kawaii~Chan dropped some food that we collected.

Kawaii~Chan: What?

Funneh explained the situation to everyone in the room. Until Aphmau said;

Aphmau: Did you ever asked Alec why he worked for her?

Funneh: no....i was too angry and hurt to say anything.

Aphmau: maybe try that.

Funneh slowly nodded her head.

Alec and Kyran came back in the lodge. We all sat at the table in the corner.

Funneh: sorry about what had came out of me...but why work for a murderer?

Alec gave out a sigh.

Alec: My family was in tough times even before my dad left us. My parents would always fight, and when he got money from his job, he never gave any to us. He didn't care about us, he would never feed us. He NEVER supported our family. All he cared about is himself. My mom needed to work her butt of almost 24/7 just to pay the house, buy us food, just so we have a chance to have a better life than what she's gone through. Until I met Yandere. She had a crush but she was almost crazy for him. Senpai was a nice kid, he helps others, I feel terrible for the burden he must carry. Everywhere he goes. Every girl he talks to, dead. I helped her out of fear, when I was in middle school, 8th grade, Senpai had this girlfriend. And she was jealous. Yandere wanted to be in her place. So she killed her. I was going to the restroom, and I saw her. She didn't notice me, but I was stupid enough to say "YOU KILLED HER!" Yandere said that I can die, or I can live. Of course I choose live, but then she mention the catch to it. "You must work for me, and NEVER tell anyone of what I do, or you do." I couldn't help her though, my mom will surely find out! I told Yandere. "You're the poor kid right?" Yandere asked "Well why don't we tell your mom that you are working. You know those little kid jobs like mowing the lawn, and do other people's chores." I was about to say no but then she told me this "If you don't work with me, then its your life. Plus I'll pay you." I was tempted and frightened out of my life. So I-

I heard a cry for help. Then I heard a knock on the door.


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