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Gold's POV

Tonight it's just me and him. Him and I. I feel my nervousness inside of me. Kyran was such a good friend, its so sad how we parted. Should I forgive him? I can always say no to dinner...but I don't want to lose him... WHAT!?! WHAT AM I THINKING!?! Do I like Kyran? But still...Funneh lost her memory because him.

(This is after Funneh was found of the floor, knocked out.)

Yandere was carrying Funneh out. She's surprisingly strong.

Yandere: I walked into the other room for one second and then I say Funneh was on the floor! The only one in the room was Kyran.


Kyran looked so scared. Kyran was about to say something but I interrupted him.


Kyran: But I-

Yandere: You were the only one in the room.


Maybe I was too harsh on him...the clock struck 7:00. It was time for Kyran to come get me. I heard a knock on the door. I went opened the door.

Kyran: Hey Gold. Are you ready?

I blushed.

Gold: Yeah!

We went to the restaurant that Aphmau and Travis suggested to us. I looked at Kyran. His grey eyes sparked with excitement.

The waitress was guiding us to our table. I was wearing heels that night but I wasn't used to walking in them. I haven't been to such a nice place in awhile! Kyran noticed I was trailing behind so he grabbed my hand. I looked at him. He smiled. My heart leaped.

Waitress: Here is your seat! Will you like the dinner menu or an appetizer menu for such lovely couple!

Gold: C-couple?

Kyran: Oh we aren't a couple.

The waitress winked at Kyran and said:

Waitress: Yet.

Kyran was blushing a lot and he looked at me.

Gold: D-dinner menu will be just fine!

Waitress: Sure!

Oh man, I was so nervous. I was sweating the whole night through!

After that nice dinner, me and Kyran were hanging out on the balcony of Kyran, Alec, and Evan's hotel room. The stars seem brighter that night. It was truly breathtaking. I don't know why, but I reached for Kyran's hand and held it. But Kyran let go of it. I looked up to see Kyran looking into my eyes, we came closer. In the moonlight, I had my very first kiss.

 In the moonlight, I had my very first kiss

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