Come on Over!

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Gold: Kyran? Can you come over?

~time skip~

I walked into a really big house that was supposedly Gold and Funneh's house. I made sure if this was the address so I checked my phone.

Kyran: Yep this is it.

I looked up once more to see this gorgeous house before I walked in. I wonder how they make so much money?

I opened the door.

Kyran: Hello?

I was greeted at the door with some dogs! So cute! Then behind the door was a girl with teal hair.

Lunar: You must be Kyran.

Kyran: Yep. And who are you?

Lunar: I'm Lunar. Funneh and Gold's sister.

Wow I didn't know that Gold and Funneh had a sister!

Lunar: Come on in.

I walked in the house and it was really cool in there.

Alec: Hey Ky! Come here!

I stopped admiring the house and walked over to Alec. In the living room, I saw Funneh, Alec, a girl with pink hair... and Gold. My eyes locked with hers for a time that seems forever. The pink haired girl walked towards me. And reached out her hand to shake it.

Rainbow: Hi! Im Rainbow! Funneh's older sister.

Kyran: Hi.

I felt kinda awkward but I still shook her hand.

Gold's POV

I saw Kyran and I think I blushed a little?? I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to even say.

Gold( whispered): at least I can say hi tho.

Gold: H-hey K-Kyran!

Kyran: Hey Gold! What's up.

Wow Kyran seems different since I last talked to him. He seems more... Idk. Kyran is not that nervous all the time. Not like me, I'm a nervous wreck!

Kyran sat down beside me and my heart started to beat fast. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GETTING INTO ME! I took a deep breath and calmed down. Kyran touched my back. NOT HELPING!

Kyran: Are you okay? You seem kinda tense.

Gold: Y-yea... just worried a-about Funneh.

Kyran smiled and said, "Okay"

I can't believe Kyran is still nice to me after what I said. In a way, I do believe him that he's not the one that injured Funneh... but who else could it be?

Kyran: So Alec what's the matter?

Alec: Funneh had lost her memory right...

Kyran murmured: yea...

Alec: Funneh proclaims that she saw Valerie and she was the one that gave her memories back.

Kyran: But how? Magic?

Alec: Funneh can speak for her self.

Funneh: Valerie... touched me... and now I remember...

Alec: Before she didn't even know who I am... but now she can recall everything.

And then Alec smiled and blushed a lot.

Alec: Hey Funneh? Is that the Ocean Metal sweatshirt that I gave you?

Funneh looked on the back on the hoodie, then blushed.

Funneh: Oh! It is!

Then Funneh smiled really big.

So cute.

After that I Funneh explained where we had to do.

Funneh: So we must go back to where it all began. Yandere High.

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