3- Old friends

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Sura was driving home from work. He hadn't seen what was on tv. He heard his cellphone ring and it was from Adalyn, he answered saying "hello?" and a panicked Adalyn tried explaining what happened.
"Woah woah woah. Calm down I'm almost there." Sura said in a rushed tone, she was sobbing over the phone until he got there and when he did, she ran out with tears in her eyes.

He hugged her and tried calming her down, he told her to breathe and she calmed down after a while, the neighbors next door had looked outside to see what was happening, but Sura just gave them a glance and they went back inside.

"Are your parents here yet?" Sura asked worryingly
"Not yet." She replied in a helpless tone
Sura sighed and went to sit at the table
'Could this all be happening again? No, please god no.' Sura thought to himself, he couldn't handle the thought of Luttons returning, coming back to finish what had started.

"Are you sure your gonna be fine?" Sura asked cautiously
"Yeah, of course I'm gonna be fine." Adalyn replied reassuringly
Her parents then pulled up in the drive way and told her to get in the car, she didn't tell them what happened, so they were confused as to why she was crying.
"Honey are you okay?" Her mother asked worried
"Yeah it's fine, I just saw a sad scene on tv that's all."
Her mother seemed suspicious and replied
"If you say so."

They had arrived home, Adalyn stepped out of the car first and opened the door, she proceeded to go upstairs into her bedroom and shut the door behind her and lock it
'God I need some rest.' She thought to herself
She couldn't believe what had just happened, she's a babysitter and if she's being terrorized by a killer, it kind of makes her a Laurie Strode, ugh. She didn't know what to think at that point.

She had gotten so lost into her thoughts that she had started drifting off into sleep, she was on the verge of of sleeping before she heard tapping coming from the window, she lifted her head up from her pillow confused and looked at the window, she raised an eyebrow and slowly got up to investigate the tapping. She walked over to the window slowly and put her fingers on the curtain and counted down in her head, she took a deep breath and opened the curtains.

She was relived to see it was just a tree branch tapping on her window, she giggled slightly and was about to close her curtains until suddenly, she heard her closet door rattle. She turned her head slowly to her closet and she saw someone emerging from it.

"What the fuck?!" Adalyn said to herself. The person was on all fours getting out of the closet, but once they lifted their heads up, it was clear as to who they were. It was Luttons.
Adalyns heart started to pound out of her chest, she started looking around the room, looking for something to fight back with. Luttons started approaching her, she was about to be cornered. She screamed for help and Luttons rushed at her. Luttons attempted to stab at her, but they missed and stabbed the wall. Giving Adalyn time to evade the killer, she turned around and kicked Luttons on the side of the stomach, Luttons grunted and pulled the knife out, he was ready to kill her until they heard footsteps approaching the door, Luttons looked at the window and ran to it. They opened it and made a swift escape.

Adalyns parents bursted into the room. They found her looking at the window in disbelief. She was breathing heavily and backed up into their arms.

"What happened!?" Her father exclaimed confused
"I- I was attacked." She replied in a tone full of fear
"We have to call the cops. Now!" Her mother exclaimed demandingly. They called 911 and the cops showed up shortly after. They searched her room and the surrounding area outside. They found nothing except for a wedding ring, wonder what that could mean.

News outlets found out about the whole ordeal, she arrived at school the next day and was walking with Emma to the entrance of school, before she stepped onto campus.
"So what happened yesterday? You were on the news." Emma asked confused
Adalyn looked at her and replied
"I'd rather not talk about." In a emotionless tone
Emma knew something was wrong and hugged her and said
"I'm here for you, if you need anything at all. I'm here."
Adalyn hugged her back, but She could hear footsteps approaching from behind her. She turned around and news reporters surrounded her and they were asking loads of questions. Emma was trying to push them back as Adalyn looked as if she didn't wanna be asked anything about the situation.
"Hey! Get away from her." Emma shouted at the reporters. But they didn't seem to care.
It didn't look like the situation would get any better, but then they heard a voice coming from behind the crowd
"Can you guys leave the damn kid alone?!" Someone exclaimed from the back
Everyone looked back to see who had said that. And everyone had gasped when they realized who it was.

The crowd started to scramble away and Adalyn and Emma looked up to see who it was.
"Hey, you guys okay?" Ioa said concerned.
"Woah! Aren't you-" Adalyn exclaimed shocked, before she could finish. Ioa cut her off
"Ioa? yeah."
Adalyn looked at her and questioned
"What are you doing in East Ville?"
Ioa then explained as to why she returned
"I heard about the murders, and then I heard that you were attacked and I just had to come back. I don't want you and Sura to go through this alone, I know how it feels to go through all this."
Emma replied to Ioa cautiously
"You could put yourself in danger. I mean the killer is going after Sura, so why wouldn't they go after you?"
Ioa chuckled and replied
"I came prepared."

Sura was at home as he called in sick, he needed time to think about what he was going to do. Luttons was obviously after him and Adalyn, and he wanted to protect her. He couldn't just leave her alone with a baby. He was about to drift off into sleep until he heard a knock at the door, he opened his eyes and lifted his head up confused. He haven't been expecting anyone, he got up and slowly walked down the stairs and to the door, he looked out the peephole and didn't see anyone. He instead saw an envelope on his doorstep. He moved his eye away from the peephole and opened the door slowly. He picked up the envelope and went inside to open it, he sat down at the table and opened the letter.

He opened the letter and it was a note, he unfolded the paper and saw a long paragraph. He started at the very top and started to read

'Hey Sura! It's your friend here. You don't know me, but I know you. You may have survived twice, but 3rd times a charm for the killer, one of you 3 is going to die. The East Ville trio will meet their demise, which one is it going to be? It all points to you, your trauma will get the better of you. And I will win in the end, your going to suffer.
                                                         - Luttons :)'

'Oh. My. God' Sura thought to himself, he sat the table with a shocked and confused expression. He sat there for a few seconds until he heard another knock at the door, he gasped and turned around and was considering whether or not he should answer the door, before he could decide. He heard a familiar voice come from the other side.

"Sura. Are you home?" Kaja exclaimed confused
She waited outside for a few extra seconds. The door open and she saw Sura standing there with a smile. She smiled back and Sura opened his arms, gesturing for a hug. She gladly hugged him and Sura gave a heart warming smile.

"We haven't talked in quite a while." Sura said chuckling.
Kaja laughed a little and replied
"Yeah I know."
Sura looked at her and she looked back and continued
"If your wondering why I'm here. It's because of all of the recent events that have been happening. I didn't want you to go through this whole thing alone and I think Ioa's in town too, the 3 of us together can overcome Luttons again."
Sura looked at her and started to sweat, he licked his lips and Kaja noticed his strange behavior. She asked what was wrong and if he was fine, he took a deep breath and replied anxious
"I don't think we're Luttons main target any more."

Just as he said that, he felt his phone buzz and so did Kajas, they opened it and read the notification. It was an amber alert.
"East View county high is currently on lockdown, a suspicious person was seen on campus. Further details will be released later."

Kaja and Sura looked at eachother, Both of there eyes widened.

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