14- Two Out Of Three (Finale)

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Authors note: wow! I'm already done with part three? Feels like I just started writing this yesterday. To whoever read this far thank you for sticking to my terrible story, without further ado. Enjoy the finale to 'feared'.

"Well... were here." Ioa said in a tone that showed that she didn't want them to go, but she trusted them. All of them looked at the house. Which was boarded up except for the front door, it had vines on its edges and it looked as if no one had lived there in years. They gave the three of them weapons. And Emma told them
"If we aren't back within an hour, call the police and tell them we're here." The three of them agreed, and they saw them approach the house and Sura said the other two in the car
"It's kind of like how we were almost 10 years ago... it's sad to see other kids go through what we had to."
The other two sighed sadly and Kaja said
"We're gonna stay until something bad happens right?"

"Of course."

Adalyn, Emma and Liam approached the door to Zela's house, the knob was old and rusty and it looked as if it could break at any moment, Adalyn sighed and opened it gently. And it was open. The three of them turned on they're flashlights and were walking through the house, they walked through the kitchen first, and the first thing that caught they're attention was a large blood stain by the kitchen counter. That must have been Zela's blood from when she was killed, the three of them sighed sadly at the sight, but continued moving forward.

Liam started squinting as they walked through the house, as there were cobwebs infecting the corners. And dust was everywhere. Making them sneeze occasionally. The living room looked empty and desolate, aside from a few bloody hand prints on the wall, which made all of them feel uneasy. They heard a whimper come from upstairs and they all looked at each other, and they nodded. They started making they're way upstairs, and the stairs creaked somewhat loudly with each step.

They made they're way up the stairs and there was a hallway to the right, as they were walking down the hallway. They noticed writing on the wall that was written in blood as they walked by, and there were many phrases written in bold letters such as
All of these made the three of them uncomfortable, and they could feel as if someone else was in the building with them. They were walking by one of the rooms, until they heard a whimper come from it. The three of them stopped, and looked at the door that was slightly cracked open, that's where the whimper came from. Emma bent down and looked through the crack to see if she could see anything In the room.

The room was too dark for her to see through and she whispered to the other two "watch my back." And she slowly opened the door and slipped her way inside. The room was rather large. Although it felt small, it actually wasn't. She scanned her flashlight across the room and saw fragments of blood and a few weapons set on a cart. There was also a table that was meant for someone to be strapped in.

She found all of it very disturbing. And her other two friends behind her looked equally disturbed, Emma tried looking through the darkness and she managed to make out the silhouette of William.
"William! There you are! Let's get you ou-" she stopped talking as she approached the silhouette, and noticed that William, was just a bleeding mess. He had been stabbed in the throat and all his fingers had been cut off. His spine had been removed and was tied around his neck, and one of his ears was missing. And there was a tape recorder by his body playing the whimpers.

Adalyn hadn't seen what Emma saw, as she saw what happened to Williams body parts, which was equally as horrific
"Uhm- guys" Adalyn said, her voice trembling with terror.
"You might want to see this."
Adalyn saw a ear hung by a piece of an intestine, and fingers strung together to form a necklace. Her breathing was getting heavier, and Liam went to see what she had found. Once he realized what was happening, he started backing up and saying in a panicked tone
"W-we have to get out of here-" Liam chocked out "we have to call-" Liam knocked into a projector, and something was displayed on the wall, it was a video of all they're friends being killed, and everyone looked up in horror, before Liam could react, he was knocked unconscious, and Emma and Adalyn gasped with horror, but the two of them had barely anytime to react as they too were knocked out.

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