13- Beyond The Tree's

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Authors note: Next chapter will be the finale! This chapter was quickly written, so it may not be as exciting as the other chapters or as long. But I hope you enjoy :)

I just woke up. And I'm already greeted with bad news. James was found dead in front of the town hall. His insides on the outside, and hung by his own intestines. Apparently, he was also decapitated and his head was poorly stitched back on. If that's true, then that explains the head Luttons was holding on stage after Sophia was crushed to death. two deaths on a span of a day. What could be next?

Emma and Adalyn walked into first period yet again, and Olivia was back, but William wasn't
"Hey Olivia! Where were you yesterday?" Emma
asked curiously. Olivia replied to her happily

"Oh! I was just sick, sorry for making you guys
worried."She said in an apologetic tone.

"Don't apologize! We're glad your safe." Emma said in a caring tone, and she hugged Olivia, while Adalyn and Liam watched.

"But... where's William?" Liam asked concerned, and everyone had a confused expression on they're face. They had no idea where he could have gone, but with Sophia and James now dead, anything could have happened to him.

William woke up and he had a splitting headache, he groaned lightly and tried moving around, but realized he was tied down. And there was a piece of duct tape over his lips, blocking out any call for help he made. The room he was in looked very desolate, as if no one had been there in years, the window had been boarded up, and only very small cracks showed sunshine and dust Particles could be seen floating effortlessly through the sunshine. Cobwebs infested the corners of the room and there was a very strong odor in there.

Adalyn was walking out of school, she was about to go to her car until she got a phone call from someone, she answered it and the person on the other line said
"Don't even think about hanging up, follow these instructions and Liam lives, don't... Liam dies."

There was a short pause and Adalyn said
"Go on..." trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Go to the address I'm about to send you, go to the location, and I'll call you again giving you instructions. DONT bring anyone."

The line cut out and Adalyn got a message and it showed the address, she gulped nervously, and got in her car and put in the address.

Adalyn drove to the location and it appeared to be some sort of forest. She pulled over and got out, and she looked at the mass amount of trees, she took a deep breath while looking at the trees, and she heard her phone ring again. She answered the phone and the person on the other line spoke

"Now. Go further into the forest. I'm not going to harm you, I just want you to see the little surprise I have for you."

"What kind of surprise you sick fuck?"

"I want you to see." Luttons said with a chuckle. And the line went dead

Adalyn hesitated, but she didn't want to lose another one of her friends. She made her way through the woods while constantly looking behind her shoulder, in the distance she could see a wooden cabin. And her phone rang again
"Approach it." Luttons said demandingly, and Adalyn listened. She approached the cabin and her breathing started to speed up as she started to open the door, she closed her eyes and whipped the door open. But nothing was there.

She took a step into the cabin and the floorboard creaked. She looked around the room as she went further into the cabin and she saw something on the floor. It was a USB drive, she picked it up and examined it, but she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She gasped loudly and looked back... but it was Emma? What was she doing here?
"Emma! Why are you-"
"The killer told me to come or you would die!" Emma said in a distraught but protective tone, and a tear came out of her eye
"I don't want you to die." She choked out, and she collapsed into Adalyns arms, why did she have a sudden change of emotion? Did something else happen?

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